“Venenos de Deus, Remédios do Diabo” - a bioethical analysis of Mia Couto’s novel


  • Ana Meireles Universidade Católica Portuguesa




Public health. Bioethics. Medical education. Literature.


The humanities need to be part of the training for health professionals, and literature is an educational tool par excellence. In the domain of training in bioethics, literature is the vehicle for a broad range of challenges for ethical reflection and decision-making, thereby preparing students and professionals for healthcare practice. This essay presents a bioethical analysis on Mia Couto’s novel Venenos de Deus, Remédios do Diabo, in which the main character is Sidónio Rosa, a physician who travels to Vila Cabinda (Mozambique) to help out in controlling an epidemic that was ravaging the town. The novel touches on several issues with possible bioethical ramifications. The focus essentially related to the public health paradigm for less developed countries (characterized by high morbidity and mortality caused by infectious diseases). Ethical challenges arise from this, such as: social injustice and inequities in overall healthcare; the low effectiveness of solidarity and international cooperation; the controversial dichotomy of autonomy of the people versus vulnerability caused by sociocultural contexts; and the difficulty in defending the universal value of dignity in the light of relativism and diversity of beliefs.

Author Biography

  • Ana Meireles, Universidade Católica Portuguesa

    Agrupamento de Centros de Saúde de Braga da Administração Regional de Saúde da Zona Norte e Instituto de Bioética, Porto, Portugal.


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Engelhardt HT; Jotterand, F (ed). The philosophy of medicine reborn: a Pellegrino reader - Edmund D. Pellegrino. Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press; 2008.

Couto M. Venenos de deus, remédios do diabo. Lisboa: Editoral Caminho; 2007.

Singer P. Um Só Mundo: A Ética da Globalização. Lisboa: Gradiva; 2004.



Artigos Especiais

How to Cite

“Venenos de Deus, Remédios do Diabo” - a bioethical analysis of Mia Couto’s novel. (2009). Revista Brasileira De Bioética, 5(1-4), 9-23. https://doi.org/10.26512/rbb.v5i1-4.7856