Public policies to strengthen the Agroecology as a link between the rural areas and the city: an analysis from the state of Rio de Janeiro




Agroecology, Country-city relationship, State role, Public polic


This research is about public policies that strengthen the Agroecology and the relation between rural areas and cities. With a study about how those policies works in Rio de Janeiro, we aim to meet our main goal: understand how the building of public policies that strengthen the Agroecology can encourage this link between rural areas and cities, making possible the acess to healthy eating in the cities according to food and nutrition security. The applied methodological strategies were bibliographic research and interviews with representatives from the “Articulação de Agroecologia do Rio de Janeiro”. The results found made we understand the Agroecology not only as an alternative to the way of life imposed by the capitalism and the colonialism and as a fundamental element to think health promotion, but also the understanding that public policies that strengthen the Agroecology are mandatory to build new relations.


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How to Cite

Public policies to strengthen the Agroecology as a link between the rural areas and the city: an analysis from the state of Rio de Janeiro. (2023). Revista Brasileira De Agroecologia (Brazilian Journal of Agroecology), 18(6), 804-824.

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