Evaluation of soil quality with agroforest management using Pfeiffer's circular chromatography and microbiological indicators
Microbiologia dos solos, Sistema Agroflorestal, Qualidade do soloAbstract
Pfeiffer Circular Chromatography (CCP) is a qualitative indicator of soil, low cost, accessible, and has great potential in studies in Agroecology. The objective was to analyze the soil quality of an Agroforestry System with different forms of management during 12 months using microbiological indicators and chemical parameters of the soil, correlated with a CCP. Soil samples, collected in the dry and rainy seasons, were analyzed using a CCP and the following indicators: total mesophilic heterotrophic bacteria, total fungi, pH, moisture, and organic matter. It was found no diferences between the SAF control and the managed SAF control in the studied period for all impact indicators. CCP, total mesophilic heterotrophic bacteria, and total fungi are sensitive to seasonality between the dry and rainy seasons. There is a positive correlation by the CCP aeration zone, with organic matter and soil moisture. The conclusion obtained was that the management intensity applied in the SAF was not sufficient to cause specific changes in the soil quality, during the evaluated period.
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