science, political movement and social practice for climate change mitigation and adaptation
Global warming, agroecological practices, resilient agroecosystemsAbstract
Agribusiness has led to an increase in greenhouse gases and contributed to global warming, especially in recent years in Brazil. On the other hand, Brazil has a biological, social and cultural diversity that, combined with agroecological-based management, has great potential to increase the resilience of production systems in the face of disturbances caused by climate change. From the accumulations in the different fields of Agroecology, we highlight the crucial role of the participation of different sectors of society in the development of multicentric public policies that require the public institutions to be responsible for the achieving food security and sovereignty, conserving biodiversity, building and strengthening resilient agroecosystems, mitigating and adapting to climate change.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Fabio Frattini Marchetti, Keila Cassia Santos Araújo Lopes, Marina Guyot, Marcos Sorrentino, Paulo Rogério Lopes

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