Agroecological management of Tanzania Grass under grazing of crossbred goats in the Brazilian semi-arid
agroecology, Panicum maximum, pasture, productivityAbstract
The objective was to evaluate Tanzania grass's productivity, chemical composition, dry matter, and nutrient intake by hybrid goats under grazing on agroecological management in a Semiarid region, Brazil. The pasture of Panicum maximun Jacq. cv. Tanzania, under agroecological management, was divided into 16 paddocks, with 30 days of rest and 2 of occupation by 15 crossbreed goats of 1/2 Boer and 1/2 Saanen. A variation in chemical composition was observed by the levels of ADF (38.49 to 40.67%) in May and November, respectively. An increase (P<0.05) in dry matter intake (2.04, 1.84; 1.80 was also identified for the months of May, July and September, respectively. Agroecological management was able to maintain at adequate levels the productivity and quality of Tanzania grass pasture. It also promoted the efficient use of forage with a satisfactory stocking rate, providing acceptable dry matter consumption for the maintenance of crossbred goats in semi-arid conditions.
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Copyright (c) 2023 João Paulo Guimarães Soares, Michel do Vale Maciel Maciel, Laura Priscila Araújo Amaro Maciel Maciel, Pedro Canuto, Daniel Barros Cardoso Cardoso

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