Integrated analysis in agroforestry systems of the Celso Lúcio settlement in Uberlândia (MG)
agroecosystems, family agriculture, agrarian reformAbstract
Agroforestry Systems (SAFs in portuguese) are agroecosystems of unique characteristics due to the specificities of the farmers whom implement and manage them. In this way, the objective of this work was to carry out an integrated analysis of sociocultural and economic indicators of three farmers from the Celso Lúcio settlement (Uberlândia/MG), in order to relate the profile of the farmers and the ecological characteristics of their respective agroecosystems. For that, a sociocultural and economic diagnosis of the farmers was carried out, the SAFs were characterized based on previously established technical criteria in technical field visits, and samples for chemical analysis of the soils in the SAFs and in the surrounding pasture areas. The SAFs that were managed frequently presented more satisfactory quantitative and qualitative values in soil recovery and reflected the economical and sociocultural conditions of the farmers.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Rafael Pereira Silva, Bruno Nery Fernandes Vasconcelos, Ana Carolina Silva Siquieroli

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