Analysis of edaphic macrofauna in orchard
subsidies for implementation of agroforestry homegardens in the Pampa Biome, Brazil
bioindicators, Pfeiffer chromatography, agroforestry systems, Agroecological TransicionAbstract
Agroforestry systems mitigate the impacts caused by the unsustainable management of contemporary agriculture. Edaphic fauna promotes ecosystem services and can be considered as a bioindicator of soil quality. This study aimed to characterize the diversity of edaphic macrofauna through sampling combined with the application of Pfeiffer chromatography in an orchard in Santana do Livramento (RS, Brazil). Among the 12 orders identified, soil engineers and phytophagous were predominant, with emphasis on the orders of Hymenoptera, Isoptera and Coleoptera, represented by ants, termites and beetles. The chromatograms revealed that the soil in the area has a sandy texture, with superficial compaction and a low rate of mineralization of organic matter. The evaluation of functional groups, combined with chromatography, can be an instrument to diagnose the health status of the soil. This approach can be converted into indicators for backyard agroforestry transition strategies.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Bianca Cristieli da Silva, Marco Antonio Benamú, Lucas Guilherme Peréz Elguy, Vagner Lopes da Silva, Adriana Carla Dias Trevisan

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