National school food program: difficulties in the acquisition of family agriculture from the perspective of state school managers in Alta Floresta – MT
Family farmers, PNAE, public policy, public callAbstract
The National School Feeding Program - NSFP is the policy that provides for school meals and consolidates the link between family farming. The objective of this study was to evaluate the accessibility of the NSFP through the perception of managers of state schools in Alta Floresta - MT. Data were obtained from structured interviews with the help of a questionnaire. The survey was carried out with managers from 16 state schools. Data were analyzed qualitatively, through content analysis and the use of multivariate statistics. Managers believe that the NSFP contributes both to family income and to the permanence of farmers in the countryside. However, the bureaucracy of the process; the lack of products; the logistics; the low participation of farmers; and intermediaries, make the operationalization of the NSFP difficult. Public policies such as the NSFP are important for strengthening family farming, for food production and encouraging agroecological production.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Wagner Gervazio, Kauany França de Sousa, Delmonte Roboredo, Adriana Matheus da Costa de Figueiredo, Ana Luisa Araujo de Oliveira

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