


the Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia celebrated two years since its first publication, fulfilling its editorial project of at least two annual issues, and supplements intended for the dissemination of papers presented at congresses and seminars of national or regional importance. This achievement, which may seem like a commonplace fact, is a difficult goal to achieve, given that not all scientific journal projects are successful. It demonstrates the importance for Agroecology, in Brazil and worldwide, of a free journal, for authors and readers, aimed at disseminating academic production in the area. The articles published in this volume show, due to their international scope, that the editorial project of the Associação Brasileira de Agroecologia - ABA-Agroecologia, by proposing and maintaining the Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, goes beyond our borders and can establish itself as an international reference for the Agroecology.






How to Cite

Editorial . (2008). Revista Brasileira De Agroecologia (Brazilian Journal of Agroecology), 3(3), 1-2. https://periodicostestes.bce.unb.br/index.php/rbagroecologia/article/view/48926

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