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Author Guidelines



1.1. Anti-plagiarism policy

The Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia (Brazilian Journal of Agroecology) – RBA - does not accept any form of plagiarism (total, partial or conceptual). Verification will be performed prior to peer review. In the event of identification of plagiarism, the plagiarized authors will be informed and the authors of the plagiarism will be blocked. We do not consider self-plagiarism, submissions derived from dissertations and theses present in institutional repositories. In this case, the situation must be communicated to the Editorial Board at the time of submission.

1.2. About research ethics

The RBA follows the recommendations of the Committee on Publications Ethics (COPE), and its principles of transparency and best practices in academic publishing.

In cases of research that deals with access to traditional knowledge associated with genetic heritage, or that involves humans, both in the areas of health and in the areas of social sciences, authors are responsible for complying with the legislation regarding research ethics. By submitting their manuscripts to RBA, authors declare that they respect the standards regarding research ethics, assuming full responsibility for any problems that may arise from the publication of their work. RBA is not legally responsible for the content of published articles.

The RBA seeks, as far as possible, to prevent the publication of works that violate research ethics, including plagiarism, falsified data, the occurrence of harm to communities or individuals who participated in the research, and discrimination. However, there is no way for a journal to guarantee that those cases will not go unnoticed. If there are reports of ethical misconduct in research, whether before or after publication, the Editorial Board will take the appropriate measures, which may include withdrawing the publication and reporting the case to the interested individuals and institutions.

Mention of the names of the interviewees, the names of sampled families or any form of identification of informants and/or participants who have integrated the research as a source of information or as collaborators will not be permitted, in the body of the text, without the due consent of the interviewees. All informants must be identified only by codes indicated in the methodology.

1.3. Originality and preprint

The Journal accepts only original and unpublished submissions for publication, which must not be submitted to and/or evaluated by other journals.

The RBA accepts, for evaluation, articles deposited in non-commercial, institutional or public preprint repositories, as long as this information is included in the document being evaluated by RBA, or, when applicable, has already been approved for publication. If the submission is published by RBA, the correct citation of the publication, its download location and its DOI (Digital Object Identifier) ​​must be indicated in the repositories.

Once published in RBA, we encourage authors to deposit their publications, in their final version, in institutional or free public access repositories, informing the correct citation to the publication.


1.4. Languages ​​accepted by the RBA

Submissions may be presented in Portuguese, Spanish or English, with official writing and mandatory textual review. The authors are responsible for textual and grammatical revision. In order to increase the visibility of the publications, the journal accepts submissions of versions of the same work
in different languages, especially an English version.

1.5. Authorship of submissions and sending of supplementary files

The author responsible for the submission must be registered in the RBA’s electronic publishing system. It is encouraged that other participants in the submitted work also are registered in the system. The RBA also requires authors to be registered in the “Open Researcher and Contributor ID” – ORCID. During the submission process, the requested fields (metadata) must be filled out carefully, especially the mandatory fields, such as: title, abstract, keywords, first name, last name, email, degree and institutional affiliation of all co-authors. We also ask that the fields be filled out in English. Changes to the authorship will not be permitted after the submission evaluation process.

In the file containing the submission text, using one of the templates provided by RBA, the names of the authors must be removed, including from the document properties. The authorship will be identified by registering the metadata, a step mentioned above and required for submission.
Authorship must also be identified on the cover page template, which must also be sent as a supplementary file at the time of submission.

In cases of co-authored submissions, a letter must be sent (see the Letter of Consent template) indicating the contributions of each person directly involved in the writing, justifying their inclusion as author, their consent to the submission and the presence or absence of a conflict of interest. Please send this as a supplementary file in PDF format. Proof of consent can be provided with digital or scanned signatures, or by attaching a copy of consent emails to the same document.
It is recommended that a maximum of five (5)
co-authors. In cases with more than five (5) co-authors, a detailed justification, indicating each co-author role, must be sent in the letter of consent. Only those who have effectively contributed to the preparation and writing of a work should be considered as authors. Including people as authors as a form of homage or retribution is not an ethical procedure.

The same should be said when authors, who have made significant contributions, are not included. If it is necessary to acknowledge some type of support, this should be included in the “Acknowledgements” item in the body of the article.

Supplementary files with the figures, tables and charts that are in the file with the submission text are also required. The rules for how these supplementary files should be submitted are in item 4 (TABLES, FIGURES, EQUATIONS AND SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL).

1.6. Conditions for publication of submissions

Acceptance of a submission does not guarantee its publication. During the evaluation or editing stages, the submission may be rejected if the authors do not meet the requirements of the Editorial Board, including the deadlines previously established according to the RBA's flow, or if a serious methodological error or plagiarism is identified after evaluation.

1.7. Copyright and Creative Commons License

Submissions to the RBA are subject to the following terms, which their authors must agree to.

1.7.1. Copyright for articles published in this journal belongs to the author, with first publication rights for the journal. Since they appear in this public access journal, the articles are free to use.

1.7.2. Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International CC BY 4.0 – Allows sharing and adaptation, even for commercial purposes, as long as due credit is given to the source and without restrictions.


The RBA accepts submissions in the following categories: Articles; Agroecological Notes; Letters to the Editorial Board; Book/media/event reviews; Dissertation or thesis summaries; and Interviews. Articles and Agroecological Notes categories undergo blind peer review. The other categories undergo review by the Editorial Board.

2.1. Articles

Articles are characterized by being unpublished works that deal with the results of research conducted by their authors, presenting a scientific method and a considerable and robust set of data, analyzed and discussed in depth. In Agroecology, articles are expected to incorporate a systemic or an interdisciplinary approache. However, more disciplinary articles, from related areas, that present robust results and analytical perspectives, may also be accepted. Simpler and more specific research works, with few results or with a more Cartesian approach, should be submitted as an Agroecological Notes (Nota Agroecológica), as explained in the item 2.2.

2.1.1. LENGTH

Maximum twenty-five (25) pages.


Up to four (4) Figures and Tables will be accepted. Above this limit, the RBA Editorial Board must be consulted. The choice of the best way to present the data must be made carefully, so that they are represented as clearly as possible. Data should not be repeated in figures and tables.

2.1.2. TITLE

It should be concise, attractive and directly related to the objective of the work.

2.1.3. ABSTRACT, RESUMO (Portuguese) AND RESUMEN (Spanish)

Brief information on the main research topic and its importance for Agroecology. It should contain the following information: general objective of the research; methodology used (in summary form); main results found; and conclusion that is related to the research objective/question. The use of bibliographic citations or acronyms is not permitted. They should be in a single paragraph, with a maximum of 1200 characters with spaces.


Contextualize the research problem, discussing the state of the art and possible gaps in the area of ​​knowledge, using pertinent and current references. Present the research questions, delimiting the intended goals. At the end, define the general and specific objectives of the work.
Do not use subdivisions in the introduction, but add new paragraphs whenever necessary. Avoid paragraphs with single sentences or excessively long sentences. Preferably, use direct sentence constructions (subject-verb-object-complement).


Start with a general description of the conditions for conducting the research, including all information necessary to allow its replication. Briefly describe the experimental design, sampling procedures, and the choice of sampling units, from the location to the time and period of data collection. For methodologies and/or protocols used that have already been published, cite the source and/or describe the adaptations made. Statistical and data analysis procedures, whenever applicable, should be described at the end of the methodology. Present models and versions of equipment used, data collection instruments, and software used, indicating copyright and/or trademark, when applicable. The writing should be in the past tense and passive voice.


Present the results at the beginning and/or group them by subject, describing them concisely, in the same order as the collection methods described in the Methodology. Present the consolidated results for subsequent analysis and discussion, consistent with the methodology described and its objectives. If the authors prefer, the results and discussions may be presented separately.
Present the results in a logical order, using Figure(s) or Table(s) when these facilitate the presentation of the data, mentioning them correctly in the body of the text. Analyze the results, providing the necessary reflection, focusing on the aspects supported by the data. Discuss the results, connecting them with data and conclusions from other authors. Interpret the results, demonstrating interactions and their importance for the field of knowledge.


The conclusion should respond to the research objectives in a clear and concise manner, without discussion or repetition of the results. Express the main achievements based on the research results and not on speculations beyond them. Highlight the contribution of the study to Agroecology.


List the support received, human, technical or financial, for carrying out the research.

2.2. Agroecological Notes

Agroecological Notes (Notas Agroecológicas) are also characterized by being original works, presenting research results. They differ from articles by presenting a smaller volume of results and discussion, either because they are initial research or because they address local or specific problems, and generally do not present a systemic and interdisciplinary approach. In these cases, the existence of original results, and of interest to Agroecology, justifies their publication in the Agroecological Note category.


This is a communication of a maximum of twelve (12) pages.


It must present the following topics: Title; Resumo (Portuguese), Abstract (American English) and Resumen (Spanish), each with a maximum of 900 characters with spaces; main text; acknowledgments; and references.

It should not contain subdivisions in the main text for the other elements, following the order: introduction, objectives, methodology, results and discussion, and conclusion.

It may contain a maximum of two (2) data components (Tables and/or Figures), included in the total number of pages. If there is a need for any other component, justify their presence in the submission.

2.3. Letter to the Editorial Board

Text written by the reader expressing analyses, reflections, questions, suggestions or criticisms on topics published in the RBA. The publication will be subject to evaluation by the Editorial Board, considering the editorial policy of the RBA.

2.4. Abstracts of Dissertations and Theses

Must be composed of a faithful transcription of the abstract of the respective dissertation or thesis, available in an institutional repository. The publication will be subject to evaluation by the Editorial Board, considering the editorial policy of the RBA.

2.5. Academic Reviews

The Academic Review must be of a recently launched book, audiovisual product or event that presents relevant contributions to Agroecology. It may be up to four (4) pages long, without listing topics, and preceded by a reference to the subject of the review. The review must be written by a single author, different from the author of the work being written about. The publication will be subject to evaluation by the Editorial Board, considering the editorial policy of the RBA.


Rules applied to all submission categories.

Carefully follow the templates available on the journal's website. Submissions that do not comply with the layout rules may be rejected before they are even reviewed by the reviewers.

Submission and author list files will be accepted in the following text editor formats: Microsoft Word (.doc, .docx) and LibreOffice Writer (.odt). PDF files should not be submitted.

A4 paper size with 2.5 cm top and bottom margins and 3.0 cm right and left margins. Use Times New Roman font.

The Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT) standards NBR 10520/2023 must be used for citations, using the authors' surnames, and NBR 6023/2020 for references, using the alphabetical system.

3.1. Titles

The title must be in the main language of the submission, with the first letter of the title and proper nouns in uppercase, and the rest in lowercase. Font size 14, bold, justified. Immediately below, the title in English (for submissions in Portuguese or Spanish) or in Portuguese (for submissions in English) must be included, font size 10, without bold, and must be the exact translation of the title. Single-spaced.

3.2. Authorship and Institutional Affiliation

Authorship should not be included in the file with the submission text, as this will be sent for blind peer review. The authorship of the submission should, however, be informed in the “List of Authors” template, which should be sent as a supplementary file.
Names should be in font size 10, bold, in lower case, initials in capital letters and centered. Institutional affiliation should be in font size 8, single-spaced and centered. The following information should be included for each author or group of authors: Current position and institution, highest level of education and institution, location of the author (city, state, country), ORCID and e-mail of each author or authorship.

3.3. Abstract, Resumen

Must contain a maximum of 1200 characters with spaces for Articles and 900 characters with spaces for Agroecological Notes. Single-spaced. Font size 9. Written in Portuguese (abstract), American English (abstract) and Spanish (resumen), followed by the respective keywords (palavras-chave/keywords/palabras-clave). The first will be the one in the same language as the body of the text, followed by the abstracts in the other two languages. The grammatical review of all languages ​​is the responsibility of the author. It is suggested that professional translators be used to avoid errors and poor quality of the texts.

3.4. Keywords, Palabras-Clave

Three (3) to five (5) keywords will be allowed, which are not found in the title. They must be placed below the abstract in the corresponding language, in lowercase letters (except when they are proper nouns and scientific names, which will have the first letter in capital letters), font 9. They are separated from each other by commas and have a period at the end. They must also be registered in the metadata.

3.5. Spacing

Spacing of 1.5 cm throughout the body of the text, with a space of 0.4 cm between paragraphs, except when specified, as in the case of the abstract, tables, figures and references. Single spacing must be used between the title, affiliations, abstract, abstract and resumen.  3.6. Font/Format
Times New Roman, size 12, justified format, in the body of the text. The size must be modified in the sections with the sizes expressly defined, such as: in the title, abstract, abstract, keywords, tables and charts, and in the references.

3.8. Italics

Italics are mandatory for all scientific names, which must be properly formatted.

3.9 Units

Must be in accordance with the International System of Units (SI). Always include them in the description of the Tables and Figures. In case of doubts, consult the publication available at the INMETRO link.

3.10. Statistics

Always include the type of analysis performed and the level of probability on which it was based. Provide the corresponding citation and reference for the year and version of the program used, as well as the respective authors, when applicable.

3.11. Websites and Links

They must be in black, not italics, and underlined, and cannot be in blue or purple. Pay attention to the validity of the links used in the submissions, especially those presented in the references.

References to non-existent links will be disregarded.

3.12. Items and Subitems

Use items and subitems without bold, italics or numbering. ITEMS should have all capital letters and Subitems should have the first letter capitalized (as written in this topic). Do not use subitems in the INTRODUCTION.

3.13. Literature Citation

Follow the standards of ABNT NBR 10520-2023.

In citations of references in the body of the text, use only the last surname with the first letter capitalized and the year in parentheses. In cases with up to three (3) authors, cite their last surnames. When there are more than three (3) authors, cite in the text only the last surname of the first one followed by et al. (in italics) and the year of publication. When indicating the source of an idea, the guidance is the same, but placing the surnames of the authors in parentheses. Observe the examples of each of the cases, respectively, below:

According to Vicente and Rodrigues (2003)

For Caporal, Costabeber and Paulus (2009)

Primavesi et al. (2001)

(Vicente; Rodrigues, 2003)

(Caporal; Costabeber; Paulus, 2009)

(Primavesi et al. , 2001)

When there is more than one citation, be sure to use a semicolon to separate them.

(Anderson, 1989; Bell, 1992; Ware, 1993).

If there is a citation of authors with the same surname and date, differentiate them by their initials.

Ferreira G. (1993), Ferreira L. (1993).

If there are two (2) or more works cited, referring to the same author and with the same year of publication, after mentioning the year, the letter "a" should be indicated for the first citation and the letter "b" for the second citation, and so on. This procedure should also be followed when listing bibliographical references. Example:

Pilgro (1983a) or (Pilgro, 1983a); Pilgro (1983b) or (Pilgro, 1983b).

Direct quotations, with reproduction of part of the text in its entirety, when shorter than three lines, should be presented in quotation marks, followed by the author's reference, year and page number.
Direct quotations with more than three (3) lines should be presented in font size 10, indented 4 cm to the right, without quotation marks, with single spacing between the lines of the quotation, justified, followed by the author's reference, year and page number.

Citations of other quotations will not be accepted (e.g.: Souza, 2001 apud Rodrigues, 2003). The primary work must be accessed.
Direct quotations must be in the main language of the manuscript, therefore, they should be translated when the language of the cited document is another.

3.14. References (See Topic 5)

The Brazilian Journal of Agroecology follows the ABNT-NBR 6023 standards updated in 2020. The list of references must strictly follow this standard.

Only references cited in the text should be listed. Check the references listed and mentioned carefully, as submissions that present irregularities in this regard will be disregarded. References should be listed in alphabetical order, starting with the surname of the first author, and then by the date of publication, from the most recent to the oldest.

References should be in font size 10. Single spacing should be used, with one space between references.

ATTENTION: Do not abbreviate the first names of authors in references, to distinguish gender (e.g.: “BANDEIRA, Lourdes.” instead of “BANDEIRA, L.”).

Last names should be in capital letters, followed by a comma (“,”) and the first name in full. Intermediate names should be abbreviated.


Ana Maria Primavesi: PRIMAVESI, Ana M.

Francisco Roberto Caporal: CAPORAL, Francisco R.

3.15. Footnotes

Footnotes should be avoided. If it is essential to include additional information that cannot be included in the main text, use ABNT standard NBR 10520-2023. The note must be referred to in the text by a sequential number in subscript. In the footer of the page where it was referred to, the lines of the note must be aligned with the first letter of the first word, highlighting the exponent, in single space, with no space between notes, and in font size 10.

3.16. Use of Color in Texts.

Use only the color green (HEX “#2E7D32” or RBG “46, 125, 50”) for these cases: main title and other titles such as: introduction, methodology, items and subitems, conclusion, acknowledgments and reference.


These elements must be included in the submission when essential and, throughout the text, they must appear immediately after their first citation, with self-explanatory titles. It is also necessary that these elements be submitted, without titles, as supplementary files in the submission system (use .jpg format, one file for each element).

4.1. Tables

Use Times New Roman font size 10, single-spaced for the title of the Table and for the data within it (e.g.: Table 1. Description of...). The title must be above the Table. In the case of data from statistical analysis, the information from the analyses must be present and the comparison of means must be informed, together with their indicators of significance, which must be present.
Data subsections may be in bold. The source of the information in the table must be below it, in font 10, with the indication: “Source:” followed by the name of the author and the year of the information. Do not present Tables and Graphs with the same content in a repetitive manner, since Graphs are preferred to Tables. Tables must be self-explanatory in all details. Tables must be numbered continuously in Arabic numerals. Tables must have only horizontal lines and no lateral (vertical) lines, without any type of filling/shading, or colors.

Tables must also be submitted to the journal's system, as a complementary file, in .jpg format, with 500 dpi, in a file with a maximum size of 700 Kb. The graphic quality must be sufficient for reading them.

4.2. Figures

Use font size 10, with single spacing for the title of the Figure and for the description of the data. The title of the Figure (e.g. Figure 1. Description of... ) must be below it. The caption must be complete, describing data units and categories, without bold or italics. Do not present Figures and Tables with the same content in a repetitive manner. The Figure must be self-explanatory. The numbering of the Figures must be continuous and in Arabic numerals. The Figures must appear in the body of the text immediately after the paragraph of their citation, or as soon as possible, depending on their size.

The Figures must also be submitted as a complementary file in the journal's submission system, without a title. The figures must have sufficient graphic quality to allow complete visualization of the information, with at least 500 dpi, in a file with a maximum of 700 Kb.

4.3. Equations/Symbols

Equations and symbols must be included using the equation insertion tool of the text editing software permitted by the RBA. Do not insert loose equations as they may cause errors in the final formatting for publication. All equations must also be submitted as a supplementary file directly at the time of submission, without a title. Ensure that the graphic quality is sufficient for reading, with at least 500 dpi, in a file with a maximum size of 700 Kb.


5.1. Use of Reference Management Tools

RBA uses the reference standards of ABNT-NBR 6023 updated in 2020. We suggest using the Online Reference Mechanism (MORE) to standardize references. Mendeley or Zotero management tools can also be used.
Below are some examples and tips on how to list the references cited in submissions to RBA.

5.2. Order and authorship

References should be listed in alphabetical order, single-spaced, font 10, in justified text and introduced in the following ways:

For personal authorship:

It should start with the last name, followed by the first name in full. Middle names should be abbreviated (e.g.: ALMEIDA, Maria C. B.);

In the case of more than three (3) authors, use the three (3) names in the order in which they appear in the work, separated by a semicolon (“;”) (e.g.: PETERSEN, Paulo.; DAL SOGLIO, Fábio K.; CAPORAL, Francisco R.);

In the case of more than three (3) authors, use the name of the first author followed by et al. (in italics) (e.g.: STEENBOCK, Walter et al.);

In the case of compound surnames, the connection must be maintained via a hyphen (e.g.: DUQUE-ESTRADA; ROQUETE-PINTO);

In the case of surnames that indicate kinship, they should not be used at the beginning, but the latter should follow the previous surname (e.g.: CÂMARA JUNIOR);

In the case of surnames that indicate a noun + adjective, the same action as in the previous item should be carried out (e.g.: CASTELO BRANCO; ESPÍRITO SANTO);

In the case of Hispanic surnames, use the first surname (e.g.: for Inés Gazano Santos: GAZANO, Inés or GAZANO SANTOS, Inés);

In the absence of an author, start with the title, with the first word in capital letters. For authorship by institutions:
Use the most well-known or prominent form in the work, in capital letters, in full or abbreviated (e.g.: IBGE; UNIVERSIDADE DE BRASILIA-UNB; ASSOCIAÇÃO BRASILEIRA DE AGROECOLOGIA);

For government institutions, it must be preceded by the name of the jurisdiction to which it belongs, in capital letters (e.g.: BRAZIL, Ministério do Desenvolvimento Agrário e Agricultura Familiar).

5.3. Books

Mandatory information: author, title, subtitle (if applicable), edition (if applicable), place of publication, publisher and date of publication;

Optional information: other responsibilities, series, notes, ISBN.

With more than three (3) authors, include the first author followed by “et al.”;
For books without a defined year, indicate the known or probable year in brackets: [2001] or [2001?];

For unknown place of publication, use [s. l.] (means sine loco);

For unknown publisher, use [s. n.] (means sine nomine);


SURNAME, First name. Title: subtitle if applicable. Other responsibilities. Edition. Place of publication: Publisher, year of publication. Volume or total number of pages. (Series or Collection). ISBN. Available at: <hyperlink>. Accessed on: (day) (abbreviated month) (year).

ALMEIDA, Maria C. B. Planejamento de bibliotecas e serviços de informação. Brasília: Briquet de Lemos, 2000. 112p.

ROWLEY, Jennifer. A biblioteca eletrônica. Translated by Antônio Agenor Briquet de Lemos. Brasília: Briquet de Lemos, 2002. 399p.

DAL SOGLIO, Fábio K.; KUBO, Rumi R. (org.). Agricultura e Sustentabilidade. Porto Alegre: Editora da UFRGS, 2009. 152 p. ( Educação a Distância Series).

STEENBOCK, Walter et al. (org.). Agrofloresta, Ecologia e Sociedade. Curitiba: Kairós, 2013. 422 p.

HOUAISS, Antonio (Ed.). Novo dicionário Folha Webster’s: Inglês/português, português/inglês.. Co-editor Ismaelo Cardim. São Paulo: Folha da Manhã, 1996.

HECK, Lenira A. A borboleta azul. Lajeado: Univates Editora, 2006. 17p. Available at: download/ texto/ eu000004.pdf. Accessed on: April 11, 2008.

BRAZIL. Ministério do Turismo. Turismo sustentável e alívio da pobreza no Brasil: reflexões e perspectivas. Brasília: Ministério do Turismo. Brasília: Ministérios do Turismo, 2005. 24p. Available at: http://www. download/ texto/ tu000017.pdf. Accessed on: April 10, 2008. 2008.

BRAZILIAN ASSOCIATION OF TECHNICAL STANDARDS – ABNT. NBR 10520: informação e documentação: citações em documentos: apresentação. Rio de Janeiro: ABNT, 2002. 7p.

5.4. Dissertations and theses

Mandatory information: author, title of the work, subtitle (if any), year of submission, type of work (dissertation, thesis), degree (master's, doctorate), course in parentheses, academic affiliation, place and date of defense.

Optional information: number of pages.

LAST NAME, First name. Title of the work. Year of submission. Number of pages. Type of document (Degree Course) – Academic affiliation, Place of publication, year of defense. Available at: hyperlink. Accessed on: (day) (abbreviated month) (year).


RAMME, Fernando L. P. Uma arquitetura cliente/servidor para apoiar a simulação de redes em ambiente de simulação orientada a eventos discretos. 2004. Dissertation (Master's Degree in Communications) – Faculdade de Engenharia Elétrica e de Computação, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas, 2004.

ALEXANDRE SOBRINHO, Gilberto. O autor multiplicado: em busca dos artifícios de Peter Greenaway. 2004. 194f. Thesis (PhD in Multimedia) – Instituto de Artes, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas, 2004.

SMOLKA, Ana Luiza B. A alfabetização como processo discursivo. 1987. 190f. Thesis (PhD in Education) – Faculdade de Educação, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas, 1987. Available at: Accessed on: January 15, 2008.

5.5. Chapters or parts of books:

This includes parts of printed works that have their own title and/or authors.
Mandatory information: authors and title of the part of the work, followed by the expression “In:” and the reference of the printed work (book).

Optional information: other responsibilities, series, notes, ISBN.

In the case of a chapter (or part) with the same authorship as the book, repeat the names for the chapter and for the entire book.

With more than three (3) authors, include the first author followed by “et al.”;


AUTHORS of the chapter. Chapter title. In: AUTHORS of the book (or other printed work). Book title: subtitle (when applicable). ed. no. City: Publisher, year. p. (start page - end page of the chapter). (Series or Collection). ISBN. Available at: <hyperlink>. Accessed on: (day) (abbreviated month) (year).


ROMANO, Giovanni. Imagens da juventude na era moderna. In: LEVI, Giovanni; SCHMIDT, Jean-Claude (Org.). História dos Jovens 2. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 1996. p. 7-16.

PEREIRA, Viviane C.; DAL SOGLIO, Fábio K. A conservação da agrobiodiversidade: mais além da biologia da conservação. In: PEREIRA, Viviane C.; DAL SOGLIO, Fábio K. A Conservação das sementes crioulas: uma visão interdisciplinar da agrobiodiversidade. Porto Alegre: Editora da UFRGS. 2020. p. 51- 78. ( Série Ensino, Aprendizagem e Tecnologias). ISBN 978-65-5725-007-5. Available at: Accessed on: August 30, 2023.

5.6. Articles in journals

Mandatory information: authors, title of the article or subject, subtitle (if any), title of the journal, subtitle (if any), place of publication, volume number, issue and/or edition, first and last pages, year of publication, DOI (if any), and, if available in electronic form, access address and date of access.

With more than three (3) authors, include the first author followed by “et al.”;
For unknown place of publication, use [s. l.] (means sine loco);


AUTHORS. Title of the article: subtitle (if any).  Title of the journal, place of publication, v. no. (volume number), no. x (journal number), p. xx-xx (range from the first page to the last page), year. Available at: hyperlink. Accessed on: (day) (abbreviated month) (year).


BALLA, João, V. Q.; MASSUKADO, Luciana, M.; PIMENTEL, Vania, C. Panorama dos cursos de agroecologia no Brasil. Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, Brasília, v. 9, n. 2, p. 3-14, 2014.

MENDES, Eduardo; FERNANDES, Bruna L.P. A difusão do conhecimento agroecológico no brasil a partir da identificação da procedência dos participantes de eventos científicos. Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, Brasília, v. 17, n. 2, p. 72–89, 2022. DOI: 10.33240/rba.v17i2.23549. Available at: Accessed on: August 30, 2023.

INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE AGAINST EPILEPSY – ILAE. Commission on Antiepileptic Drugs. Considerations on designing clinical trials to evaluate the place of new antiepileptic drugs in the treatment of newly diagnosed and chronic patients with epilepsy. Epilepsia, [s;l;], v.39, n.7, p.799-803, 1998.

5.7. Papers published in events

Mandatory information: authors, title of the paper, followed by “In:” in italics, name of the event, event number (if applicable), year and location (city), title of the event publication (Proceedings, Abstracts), location, publisher, date of publication, initial and final pages of the paper presented, access to the link (if access is via the Internet) and date of access (if applicable).


SURNAME, First name. Title of the paper presented. In: TITLE OF THE EVENT, event number, year of the event, Location of the event. Title of the publication of the event […]. Location: Publisher, year of publication. Initial-final pages. Available at: <hyperlink>. Accessed on: (day) (abbreviated month) (year).


BRAYNER, Angelo R. A.; MEDEIROS, Claudia B. IIncorporação do tempo em SGBD orientado a objetos. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE BANCO DE DADOS, 9., 1994, São Paulo. Anais...São Paulo: USP, 1994. p. 16-29.

PANSERA, Nathalia G. M. et al. A Unidade de Ensino-Aprendizagem em Sistemas Agroflorestais. In: SEMINÁRIO REGIONAL DE EXTENSÃO UNIVERSITÁRIA DA REGIÃO CENTRO-OESTE, 12., 2021, Goiânia. Anais eletrônicos… Goiânia: UEG, 2021. p. 525-531.

SABROZA, Paulo C. Globalização e saúde: impactos nos perfis epidemiológicos das populações. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE EPIDEMIOLOGIA, 4., 1998, Rio de Janeiro. Anais eletrônicos… Rio de Janeiro: ABRASCO, 1998. Roundtable. Available at: Accessed on: January 17, 1999.

5.8. Legal Documents

Mandatory information: entity in capital letters, epigraph, and published summary, publication data.
Additional information (if necessary): changes, revocations, etc.


LEVEL OF POWER. Name of document no. xxx, day of month of year. Provides/Establishes (describe). Type of collection (in bold up to before the subdivision), City, v. x (volume of the document), no. xx (publication number), p. xx-xx (page range), year.


RIO GRANDE DO SUL. [Constituição (1988)]. Constituição do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. 4. ed. atual. Porto Alegre: Assembleia Legislativa do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, 1995.

SÃO PAULO (State). Decree No. 42,822 of January 20, 1998. Provides for the deactivation of administrative units of direct administration bodies and state agencies and provides related measures.  Lex:coletânea de legislação e jurisprudência, São Paulo, v. 62, n. 3, p. 217-220, 1998.

BRAZIL. Medida provisória nº 1.569-9, of December 11, 1997. Establishes a fine for import operations and contains other provisions. Diário Oficial [da] República Federativa do Brasil, Poder Executivo, Brasília, DF, December 14, 1997. section 1, p. 29514.

5.9. Software


CORPORATION FOR DIGITAL SCHOLARSHIP. Zotero. Available at: Accessed on: August 30, 2023.

UNIVERSITY OF AMSTERDAM. JASP 0.17.3. Amsterdam, 2023. Available at: Accessed on: August 30, 2023.


6.1. The submission is original and unpublished, and has not been submitted and/or is being evaluated, with its data, for publication by another journal;

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Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The submission is original and unpublished, and has not been submitted and/or is being evaluated, with its data, for publication by another journal;
  • All bibliographic citations are referenced and all references are cited, in accordance with the standards of the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards - ABNT (NBR 6023, updated in 2020, and NBR 10520, updated in 2023);
  • Authors are aware that they are responsible for the content of the submission and will provide clarifications directly to interested parties when requested;
  • The submission complies with the rules of the Submission Guidelines, the spelling and grammar review of the text has been carried out, and all "URL" addresses are active;
  • At the time of submission, all data will be filled in, as requested, including from authors of the work, and other mandatory data (submission metadata). We will not include authors after the fact.
  • The following files are being sent, using the templates available on the RBA page: 1. the “submission” file, without authorship information; 2. the file with the “authorship list”, in editable format (.doc, .docx or .odt); 3. the file with “letter of consent” (in PDF), proving the authors' agreement with the submission, informing the existence or absence of a conflict of interest, and describing the contributions to the work; and 4. supplementary files (in .jpg) with the graphic elements that appear in the text, such as Figures and Tables, in good resolution (one file for each graphic element);

Letter to the Editorial Board

Text produced by the reader expressing analyses, reflections, questions, suggestions or criticisms on topics published in RBA. The publication will be subject to evaluation by the Editorial Board, considering RBA's editorial policy.


The articles are characterized by being original works, which deal with the results of research carried out by their authors, presenting a scientific method and a considerable and robust set of data, analyzed and discussed in depth. In Agroecology, the articles are expected to incorporate the systemic approach and interdisciplinary approaches. However, more disciplinary articles, from related areas, which present robust results and analytical perspective, may also be accepted. Simpler, specific research works, with few results or with a more Cartesian approach, should be submitted as Agroecological Notes.

More information in the Submission Guidelines

Agroecological Notes

Agroecological notes are characterized by being unpublished works, presenting research results. They differ from articles by presenting a smaller volume of results and discussion, either because they are initial research or because they address local or specific problems, and generally do not present a systemic and interdisciplinary approach. In these cases, the existence of unpublished results, and of interest to Agroecology, justifies publication in the agroecological note category.

It is a communication of a maximum of 12 pages, and must present the following topics: Title; Abstract (Portuguese), abstract (American English) and resumen (Spanish), each with a maximum of 900 characters with spaces; main text; acknowledgments; and references. It must not contain subdivisions in the main text for the other elements: introduction, objectives, methodology, results and discussion and conclusions. It may contain a maximum of two data components (Tables and/or Figures), included in the total number of pages. If there is a need for any additional components, justify this when submitting.

For more details, read the Submission Guidelines


Dissertation and Thesis Abstracts

It is the transcription of the abstracts (in Portuguese and/or Spanish, and in English) of a master's dissertation or doctoral thesis, and must be available in an institutional repository. The publication will be subject to evaluation by the Editorial Board, considering RBA's editorial policy.

Academic reviews

The academic review must be of a recently launched book, audiovisual material or event that presents relevant contributions to Agroecology. It may be up to 4 pages long, without listing topics, and preceded by a reference to the subject of the review. The review must be written by a single author, different from the author of the work being written about. The publication will be subject to evaluation by the Editorial Board, considering the editorial policy of the RBA.

See at submission guidelines.

Edição especial COP 30 - Belém, 2025

Em 2025 acontecerá em Belém, Amazônia brasileira, a trigésima Conferência das Partes da Convenção Quadro da Organização das Nações Unidas sobre Mudanças do Clima (UNFCCC), a COP 30. Sua realização na América Latina nos desafia à construção de amplo debate sobre o que representa esse mega evento global para o Brasil e para a Amazônia. Tanto no território brasileiro como na escalada Pan Amazônia,a COP 30 nos convoca a pautar a situação das urgências climáticas e evidenciar a necessidade da consolidação de estratégias conjuntas para enfrentamento dos desafios ambientais globais de conservação do ambiente e garantia de direitos, soberania e segurança alimentar e nutricional. A Agroecologia mostra caminhos para transições socioecológicas, e esta chamada para um número especial da RBA objetiva acolher artigos sobre diferentes temas que contribuam efetivamente para o debate sobre a Agroecologia como estratégia nesse enfrentamento da crise climática. 

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