Submission Preparation Checklist
All submissions must meet the following requirements.
- The submission is original and unpublished, and has not been submitted and/or is being evaluated, with its data, for publication by another journal;
- All bibliographic citations are referenced and all references are cited, in accordance with the standards of the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards - ABNT (NBR 6023, updated in 2020, and NBR 10520, updated in 2023);
- Authors are aware that they are responsible for the content of the submission and will provide clarifications directly to interested parties when requested;
- The submission complies with the rules of the Submission Guidelines, the spelling and grammar review of the text has been carried out, and all "URL" addresses are active;
- At the time of submission, all data will be filled in, as requested, including from authors of the work, and other mandatory data (submission metadata). We will not include authors after the fact.
- The following files are being sent, using the templates available on the RBA page: 1. the “submission” file, without authorship information; 2. the file with the “authorship list”, in editable format (.doc, .docx or .odt); 3. the file with “letter of consent” (in PDF), proving the authors' agreement with the submission, informing the existence or absence of a conflict of interest, and describing the contributions to the work; and 4. supplementary files (in .jpg) with the graphic elements that appear in the text, such as Figures and Tables, in good resolution (one file for each graphic element);
Letter to the Editorial Board
Text produced by the reader expressing analyses, reflections, questions, suggestions or criticisms on topics published in RBA. The publication will be subject to evaluation by the Editorial Board, considering RBA's editorial policy.
The articles are characterized by being original works, which deal with the results of research carried out by their authors, presenting a scientific method and a considerable and robust set of data, analyzed and discussed in depth. In Agroecology, the articles are expected to incorporate the systemic approach and interdisciplinary approaches. However, more disciplinary articles, from related areas, which present robust results and analytical perspective, may also be accepted. Simpler, specific research works, with few results or with a more Cartesian approach, should be submitted as Agroecological Notes.
More information in the Submission Guidelines
Agroecological Notes
Agroecological notes are characterized by being unpublished works, presenting research results. They differ from articles by presenting a smaller volume of results and discussion, either because they are initial research or because they address local or specific problems, and generally do not present a systemic and interdisciplinary approach. In these cases, the existence of unpublished results, and of interest to Agroecology, justifies publication in the agroecological note category.
It is a communication of a maximum of 12 pages, and must present the following topics: Title; Abstract (Portuguese), abstract (American English) and resumen (Spanish), each with a maximum of 900 characters with spaces; main text; acknowledgments; and references. It must not contain subdivisions in the main text for the other elements: introduction, objectives, methodology, results and discussion and conclusions. It may contain a maximum of two data components (Tables and/or Figures), included in the total number of pages. If there is a need for any additional components, justify this when submitting.
For more details, read the Submission Guidelines
Dissertation and Thesis Abstracts
It is the transcription of the abstracts (in Portuguese and/or Spanish, and in English) of a master's dissertation or doctoral thesis, and must be available in an institutional repository. The publication will be subject to evaluation by the Editorial Board, considering RBA's editorial policy.
Academic reviews
The academic review must be of a recently launched book, audiovisual material or event that presents relevant contributions to Agroecology. It may be up to 4 pages long, without listing topics, and preceded by a reference to the subject of the review. The review must be written by a single author, different from the author of the work being written about. The publication will be subject to evaluation by the Editorial Board, considering the editorial policy of the RBA.
See at submission guidelines.
Edição especial COP 30 - Belém, 2025
Em 2025 acontecerá em Belém, Amazônia brasileira, a trigésima Conferência das Partes da Convenção Quadro da Organização das Nações Unidas sobre Mudanças do Clima (UNFCCC), a COP 30. Sua realização na América Latina nos desafia à construção de amplo debate sobre o que representa esse mega evento global para o Brasil e para a Amazônia. Tanto no território brasileiro como na escalada Pan Amazônia,a COP 30 nos convoca a pautar a situação das urgências climáticas e evidenciar a necessidade da consolidação de estratégias conjuntas para enfrentamento dos desafios ambientais globais de conservação do ambiente e garantia de direitos, soberania e segurança alimentar e nutricional. A Agroecologia mostra caminhos para transições socioecológicas, e esta chamada para um número especial da RBA objetiva acolher artigos sobre diferentes temas que contribuam efetivamente para o debate sobre a Agroecologia como estratégia nesse enfrentamento da crise climática.
Copyright Notice
Submissions to the RBA are subject to the following terms, which their authors must agree to.
1.7.1. Copyright for articles published in this journal belongs to the author, with first publication rights for the journal. Since they appear in this public access journal, the articles are free to use.
1.7.2. Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International CC BY 4.0 – Allows sharing and adaptation, even for commercial purposes, as long as due credit is given to the source and without restrictions.
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