Legislative discourse against non-binary language in Brazil
Linguagem não binária, Gênero, Projetos de lei, IndexicalidadeAbstract
This article aimed to identify the construction of meaning about non-binary gender language in Brazilian legislative texts that prohibit this linguistic use. To develop the methodology, we selected a bibliography on social gender (Cult, 2014; Miskolci, 2014, 2015; Oliveira, 2019), CDA (Fairclough, 2003) and indexicality studies (Melo & Ferreira, 2017). In principle, we read the bibliography of the references that make up the material for theoretical support and collected the corpus on publication portals for the processing of this data. Next, we identify information relating to the
production and circulation of collected data and analyze such projects in the light of an aspect of CDA, the Faircloughian approach, with the help of thinking about the indexicality category. The results showed that the performance most used to give meaning to non-binary language in the texts analyzed was to make it a monster, resorting to belittling it.
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