Media representations of the Chilean press on Facebook for the constituent process
Chilean constitutional process, Disinformation, Facebook, Critical Discourse Studies, Latent Dirichlet AllocationAbstract
The study analyses media representations of the Chilean Constitutional process on Facebook. We crawled a corpus of 56,410 news reports from 145 Chilean media outlets published on Facebook from 18 October 2019 to 05 January 2022, which were then divided into four sub-corpora based on key milestones of the Constitutional process. First, each sub-corpus was analysed using SpaCy and Latent Dirichlet Allocation to identify relevant clusters, people, and entities. Then, we analysed the posts with which users interacted the most (25 posts per sub-corpus) following the Discourse-Historical Approach. Results show that each sub-corpus resorts to different framing strategies which evidence the strong monopolisation of the Chilean media and its tendency to criminalise social protests and new understandings of political and democratic practises through spectacle and moral panic frames.
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