Disfiguration and restoration of the ethos of the military forces of Colombia in the framework of the disappearances from the court palace in 1985
Ethos. Disfigurement. Restoration. Polyphony. Courthouse.Abstract
This research study highlights two discursive processes that have been called disfigurement and restoration of the ethos. These processes are considered, from the discursive historical perspective as two polyphonic phenomena that are gradually appreciated in each utterance. Following this approach, rebuttal speeches towards judicial decisions against some members of the Colombian Armed Forces, especially the National Army, are studied. The analysis starts from the recognition of discursive genre in which the legitimacy of the locutor regarding the interlocutor and the theme, is established in a given situation of communication; to the credibility of the interacting subjects in a situation of enunciation. The results show a constant and continuous restoration activity of the previous ethos coming from the authorial voice or someone else's voice. In this case, the use of quotation as an authority argument is relevant in shaping the processes referred in this research study.
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