El posicionamiento de la expresidenta argentina Cristina Fernández con respecto al discurso dominante sobre migrantes: refuerzos, disputas y vacíos
Migrantes. Discurso político. Discurso dominante. Representaciones sociales. Kirchnerismo.Abstract
This paper aims to analyze social representations that former president of Argentina, Cristina Fernández, builds referred to migrants during her first year in office. Our working hypothesis states that, although she activates the framework of crime -proper of the dominant discourse in Argentina- in relation to foreigners, in doing so, she introduces some innovations. In particular, she seeks to naturalize their presence and rejects the xenophobic policies of the European Union. We inscribe our research in Critical Discourse Analysis and our analytical device is integrated by a series of methodological tools consistent with their postulates, which combined enable us to account for the social representations present in the analyzed texts: 1) processes and participants, 2) frames and conceptual metaphors 3) evaluation.
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