Speech Acts of the political left and right during 2021’s national strike in Colombia: Analysing the tweets of Alvaro Uribe Velez and Gustavo Petro
National strike, social movement, speech acts, discourse analysis, social mobilization.Abstract
The latest Colombian national strike started on the 28th of April 2021, the cause of which were social protests against some policies advanced by president Ivan Duque Marquez. These manifestations lasted months, during which, the most significant leaders of both left (Gustavo Petro) and right (Alvaro Uribe Velez), took advantage of the political scene to manifest themselves through their Twitter accounts. This article aims to analyse the speech acts performed by those political figures between April 27 and 29 of 2021, that is, during the social mobilisations advanced during the strike. To do so, the authors use discourse analysis based on speech acts to be applied in the tweets of those leaders.
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