Originalidad versus claridad en el discurso académico
la comprensión del evidencial reformulativo ‘en todo caso’
academic writing. evidentiality. non-paraphrastic marker. polyphony.Abstract
The aim of the present paper is to analyze, from a microdiscursive approach, the Spanish non-paraphrastic marker en todo caso as an evidential strategy of academic writing in Social Sciences. The hypothesis is that this marker not only serves as a quotative evidential with a function of distancing language which, according to the case, hedges the assertive, refutative or argumentative force of discourse (García Negroni, 2002), but it is also used as a strategy by which the writer adds complexity to his discourse as an attempt to turn it ”“after his colleagues’ validation”“ into an original scientific fact. In order to prove my hypothesis, I apply a sample test to analyze the effect of en todo caso on unskilled readers’ comprehension processes. As a conclusion, I suggest that the complexity in the comprehension process of this marker is closely connected with the recognizing of reformulation, negation and polyphonic-argumentative procedures triggered by its occurrence in the discourse; but above all, because it is used as a strategy of discursive complexity. Thus, it responds to the academic writer’s need to place himself/herself in a space of conceptual originality, weakening the limits between his discourse and others’ - a delicate balance, indeed, between repetition and originality
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