Discurso político, contradestinación indirecta y puntos de vista evidenciales
La multidestinación en el discurso político revisitada
Seleccionado: political discourse. indirect counter-addressee. illocutionary complex. evidential points of view.Abstract
After pointing out the need to describe the different ways by which political discourse can construct the representation of a counter-addressee, in this work I argue that the identification of the figure of an indirect counter-addressee should be related with the presence of quotative-evidential points of view at the level of the enunciation. In the light of the dialogic approach to argumentation and enunciative polyphony, I propose that the semantic instructions associated with those evidential points of view require interpreting the utterance containing them as triggered by a frame of speech that refers to a discourse that is rejected and whose origin ”“always shown and not explicitly said”“ must be found in that past discourse belonging to others. To illustrate this, I analyze metadiscursive negations, emphatic assertions with refutative value and mocking utterances in a body of data containing real examples taken from Argentine politicians’ speech.
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