Twitter as an (anti?)political space
discourse analysis of President Mauricio Macri’s tweets
Twitter. Argentinean political discourse. ethos. linguistic optionsAbstract
From a conception of the political as an argumentative practice oriented to action and associated with power (Fairclough & Fairclough 2012), this exploratory and qualitative work analyzes the discursive resources that shape the presidential “self image” in a corpus of 60 tweets by Mauricio Macri. For this, it identifies and explains, from the theory of enunciation, the grammatical options that contribute to symbolically construct the enunciator and that allow to trace its conception of the political task. There are at least two problems: the adaptation of the traditional categories of political discourse to new and non-institutional technologies such as Twitter, and the apparent absence of confrontation, a feature consubstantial to political praxis. The final aim is to reflect on ways of developing political work on the Internet, and on the supposed current degradation of politics, to which Macri also seems to contribute from social networks, with a message about change and return to politics normal.
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