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Author Guidelines


Researchers interested in publishing their work in the Latin American Journal of Discourse Studies should follow the following instructions:

1. Articles must be written in Word format, 1.5 spaced in Times New Roman 12. The maximum length is 7500 words, including notes and bibliography. Both the images, graphics or tables must be attached in their original format (preferably jpg, tif, gif) and with very good resolution.

2. The title, in italics, should summarize the content of the article in a very concise manner. The translation of the title into English (or into Spanish or Portuguese, if the original is submitted in English) must be included, below the original title. It is followed by the name of the author(s) and the institution to which s/he belongs.

3. The text of the article must be preceded by a summary in Spanish, Portuguese and English - no more than 150 words in each language. Up to six keywords will be included, which should be in italics. The terms RESUMEN, RESUMO, and ABSTRACT, as well as PALABRAS CLAVE, PALAVRAS-CHAVE, and KEYWORDS should go in small caps.

4. The general and section titles should be brief and explicit. The title of the first section is Introduction and it has no numbering, the other titles and subtitles are numbered according to the hierarchy in the text. The Conclusions section and the Bibliographic References do not have numbering.

5. The images, graphs, and tables must be numbered, their content must be clear and must have an explanatory title. Each image, graph, and table must be explained/ mentioned in the text of the article.

6. Every article (full version) must be accompanied by a brief biographical and academic information written in an extension between 50 and 100 words. Additionally, the full name of the author(s), email address, the institution where s/he works and telephone must be clearly indicated. This full version must be submitted as a supplementary document.

7. The main document to be submitted must be identical to the full (supplementary) but without any identification of authorship. Do not use names of authors, and any reference capable of identifying it must be replaced by "SUPPRESSED FOR BLIND REVISION".

8. Every textual citation should give the corresponding source in parentheses (author date: page). If the quote has less than 40 words, it goes inside the paragraph in double quotes. If it has more than 40 words, you should have a 1cm indentation on each side and an interline spacing to a single space, followed by the source in parentheses (author year: page). Example: (Romano and Sousa 2018: 17), (Silva 2018: 25). If different authors are mentioned within a parenthesis, they must be separated by semicolons (;). If several authors are mentioned, they must be ordered in chronological order.

9. If it is not a textual quotation, but the content requires giving the source of the information, the name of the author and the year of publication are placed in parentheses (Silva 2018, Romano and Sousa 2018).

10. The notes should be numbered consecutively and placed at the bottom of the page, exactly where the author wishes them to be included. The indication numbers of the footnotes go after the period, semicolon or comma.

11. Words of foreign origin are written in italics, as well as the concepts and words that are taken from the corpus of analysis and incorporated into the writing.

12. All bibliographical references must be ordered alphabetically after the conclusions. All references included in the bibliographic list must be mentioned in the text and any reference mentioned in the text must appear in the bibliographic list.

The formats are shown below:



RUIZ ÁVILA, D. 2003. Tejiendo discursos se tejen sombreros. Identidad y práctica discursiva. México: Fomento Editorial.

CHILTON, P. y SCHAFFNER, C. (eds.). 2011. Politics as text and talk. Analytic approaches to political discourse. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company.


Chapters in books:

DONAIRE, M. L. 2004. La polifonía, una relación binaria. En E. Arnoux y M. M. García Negroni (eds.). Homenaje a Oswald Ducrot, pp. 117-133. Buenos Aires: Eudeba.


Papers in journals:

CHUMACEIRO, I. 2004. Las metáforas políticas en el discurso de dos líderes venezolanos. Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios del Discurso, 4(2): 91-112.

ARIAS, M. 2011. Neurología de la risa y del humor: risa y llanto patológicos. Revista de Neurología, 53: 415-21.

Text consulted on the web:

CHARAUDEAU, P. 2011. [Available online at]. Que vaut la parole dún chroniqueur á la télevision? L'affaire Zemour, comme symptôme d´une dérive de la parole médiatique. Réseaux, 6: 135-161 [Query: August 26, 2014].

The letters a, b, c, … appended to the date of publication must be used to reference works by the same author published in the same year. Example: (van Dijk 2010a, 2010b). 





 ”¢ Reviews must be mainly of books written in Spanish or Portuguese by members of the ALED. Books written in other languages that are of interest for discourse studies in general and in Latin America, in particular, can also be reviewed.

Ӣ The review will be headed by the bibliographic reference of the book reviewed (author/editor, year, title, number of pages, city, publishing house and ISBN).

Ӣ The review will not be divided into topics.

Ӣ In the introduction, theme and central problems will be identified.

Ӣ The structure of the book will be described (in chapters, and parts, the existence of glossaries, appendices, etc.) and complete synthesis of the content will be made.

Ӣ The potential readers of the book reviewed will be identified.

Ӣ The text of the review will be evaluative and will express the position of the author towards the book reviewed.

Ӣ The reviewed book will be related to other works on the same subject and/or the same author and will be placed in the context of the time and place where it is published.

Ӣ The dating conventions indicated for the rest of the contributions to the ALED journal will be followed. Reviews will not include more than five references.

Ӣ The text of the review will have a maximum limit of 2,000 words.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Research articles

Política padrão de seção.

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.