an analysis based on Simone de Beauvoir and bell hooks





Emancipation. History of Philosophy. Feminism. Women in Philosophy. Patriarchy.


This work intend to elucided historics events of figthing for freedom and iguality affected in the XX century, where there is speculations about the rigths of women, looking for clarify in which context occurred the waves of feminism, with larger enfase in the second and third wave from the perspective of Simone de Beauvoir and bell hooks, respectively. Being a base to the movement in the modernity and another to the contemporaneity. Addressing what was analysed by the both philosophers about the woman subject and if there is a possible path to your emancipation. Identify what problems were seen in the feminist movement, if attended all the women, explaining what the relevance of this discussion inside the History of Philosophy and outlining philosophical lines that contributed to this thought, just as the problem about this emancipation. Bringing the historical elements which colaborath for formacion until today is considered one political chain that contributed to the emancipation of the woman in oppressor structure that keep her: the patriarchy.


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Author Biography

  • Alcina Loyane da Silva Marques Santos, Universidade Federal do Tocantins

    Graduanda em Filosofia pela Universidade Federal do Tocatins (UFT).


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How to Cite

WOMAN EMANCIPATION AND FEMINISM: an analysis based on Simone de Beauvoir and bell hooks. (2022). PÓLEMOS – Revista De Estudantes De Filosofia Da Universidade De Brasília, 10(21), 374-386. https://doi.org/10.26512/pl.v10i21.38506