ideology, ethics and reification as means of rationalization and justification
Capitalism. Marx. Weber. Lukács. Justification.Abstract
This article reflects on the specificities, clashes and articulations of Marx, Weber and Lukács criticisms of capitalism, in the context of the contribution of these philosophers to the critical theory of society. The following question arises: what articulation can be made between the critiques of Marx, Weber and Lukács to the liberal thinking that underpins capitalism? As a central argument, it is supported that both Marx and Weber and Lukacs ”“ although with distinct and sometimes conflicting conceptual, historical, and philosophical perspectives ”“ focus their analyzes on the means of rationalization and justification of capitalism in modern liberal society. In Marx, it is discussed the methodological importance of the transition from circulation to production, with an emphasis on the critique of liberal ideology. Then, Weber's objections to the notion of marxist superstructure is reconstructed, from his interpretation of the protestant ethic as means of justification to the spirit of capitalism. Finally, the process of reification of social relations in capitalism in Lukács is analyzed, in the light of the criticisms he makes to classical German philosophy. It is concluded that the concepts of ideology, ethics and reification of these authors, help in the critical understanding of the bowels of capitalist domination.
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