a possible approach to the work Antigone in conjunction with the song "Vida Loka part 2" of the rational group MC"s
Teaching of Philosophy. Extra-academic materials. Elaboration of classes.Abstract
The objective of this text is the brief exposition of a discussion about the use of non-academic materials for the total or partial elaboration of philosophy classes, based on the analysis of a class presented by me to CEM 03 high school students of Guará-DF, that addressed the work Antígona de Sófocles in conjunction with the song Vida loka part 2 of the rap group Racionais mc’s. In a first chapter, I examine a little the debate about an ideal posture of the teacher in the classroom, as well as a partiality or impartiality on its part regarding the subjects dealt with and the very conception of the history of the philosophy of the latter, because I think the criticism of the use of extra-academic materials is in part due to our conception of the history of philosophy, in part by our partial or impartial posture within the classroom, if such a posture exists. For this, I resume discussions made by Paulo Freire about this position in his work Pedagogy of Autonomy, to later present and evaluate the class and its methodology.
FREIRE, PAULO. Pedagogia da autonomia: saberes necessários à prática educativa- São Paulo: Paz e Terra 1996 (Coleção Leitura).
SÓFOCLES. Antígona. Traduzido do grego por Donald Schuler. ”“ Porto Alegre: L&PM, 2010.
ABBAGNANO, NICOLA. Dicionário de Filosofia; tradução da 1a edição brasileira coordenada e revista por Alfredo Bossi. Revisão da tradução e tradução dos novos textos Ivone Castilho Benedetti. ”“ 5a Ed. ”“ São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 2007.
RACIONAIS MC’S. Vida loka parte 2. Clipe do citado grupo de rap amplamente divulgado nas mídias.
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