The use of the arduino in a meaningful approach involving the particle-wave duality behavior of light in experiments for high school.



Meaningful learning. Modern and contemporary physics. TDICs Experimentation. Arduino.


In this work, we employ an experiment controlled by arduino in the approach of topics of Modern and Contemporary Physics, as the wave and corpuscular behavior of light, by means of experimental practices involving light polarization and photoelectric effect phenomena. Based on meaningful learning, we introduce the subject through conceptual maps that help in the identification of the previous knowledges, we employ activities based on Digital Information and Communication
Technologies with the software PhET Interactive Simulations to discuss the topics, we setup experimental systems with circuits and, finally, we control the experiments by the smarphone in order to enrich the work through quantitative data acquisition. The results overcome the initial objectives as illustrated through the questionnaires analysis, concluding that the students presented an excellent receptivity to the experiments,  as well as indicated occurrences of progressive differentiation and integrative reconciliation, concepts inherent to the Theory of Meaningful Learning.


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How to Cite

The use of the arduino in a meaningful approach involving the particle-wave duality behavior of light in experiments for high school. (2023). Physicae Organum, 8(2), 48-74.