The influence of the Itá Hydroelectric Power Plant reservoir on the microclimate of the city of Concórdia.



In this work we will study the influence on the microclimate of the city of Concórdia caused by the Itá Hydroelectric Power Plant reservoir. For this purpose, temperature, relative humidity and precipitation data collected by the Agrometeorological Data Station of Embrapa Swine and Poultry, Concordia, over the last 30 years will be used. From these data a statistical analysis will be performed, as well as graphs of meteorological parameters will be produced in different periods of time, in order to verify if there was alteration in the local microclimate, before and after the formation of the reservoir.


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How to Cite

The influence of the Itá Hydroelectric Power Plant reservoir on the microclimate of the city of Concórdia. (2021). Physicae Organum, 7(1), 26-38.