Teleparallelism as a Gauge Theory for Gravitation


  • Luigi Lucas de Carvalho Silva Universidade de Brasília
  • Vanessa Carvalho de Andrade Instituto de Física, Universidade de Brasília


Teleparallelism, Gauge, Yang-Mills, Unification.


The objective of the present work is to present a theory o gravitation whose formalism is analogous to the other fundamental interactions, which are described by gauge theories. The theory presented is also analogous to general relativity in classical levels. Initially, gauge theories are defined. Electromagnetism is presented as an example of this class of theories. The Dirac and Maxwell lagrangians are defined, and making then invariant by local gauge transformations leads to the sum of a coupling term, which leads to the obtaining of the correct lagrangian for the quantum electrodynamics. Then, the equations associated to the Yang-Mills theory, a gauge theory for special unitary groups of order n, are then presented. After this, the fundamentals of teleparallelism are discussed, which is presented as a gauge theory for the translation group, with the gauge potentials of the model being associated to gravitation. The role of the tetrads and torsion in the description of gravitation is discussed, as well as their geometrical meanings. The teleparallel lagrangian, quadratic in torsion, is then presented, and two applications are explained: a particle under the action of a gravitational field and the question of the energy-momentum density of the gravitational field are presented from the point of view of teleparallel gravity. It follows that teleparallelism, in addition to covering the classical phenomena already treated by general relativity, goes beyond and provides new descriptions, as the definition of a real spacetime and gauge energy momentum tensor for the gravitational field.


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