A didactic sequence of physics: laws of thermodynamics, thermal machines and coldstorage machines



Physics Teaching, Significant Learning, Mathematical Modeling, Computational Simulator, Low Cost Experiments.


This work was carried out at the Federal Institute of Santa Catarina, Campus Concordia, in the second year of the Technical Course on Food Integrated to High School. The stage took place in two parts; one of teaching, with five weeks (10 classroom hours), and another of didactic workshop, with two weeks (4 classroom hours). The contents addressed, from a perspective of the Meaningful Learning of David Ausubel, were the Laws of Thermodynamics, Thermal Machines and Refrigerating Machines, contents that are worked out from the curricular teaching plan. Mathematical modeling, virtual simulations in PHET Colorado and low-cost materials were used for this. The stage allowed observing the theory-practice relationship, making it possible to bring diversified methodologies to the classroom. It was also possible to see the contribution to meaningful learning. The students showed an interest in the teaching proposal presented during the classes


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How to Cite

A didactic sequence of physics: laws of thermodynamics, thermal machines and coldstorage machines. (2020). Physicae Organum, 6(2), 38-88. https://periodicostestes.bce.unb.br/index.php/physicae/article/view/24213