Impact of global scientific-technical systems on Cerratense quilombola territoriality and socioforests
socioforests; quilombola community; Cerrado biome; planetary consciousness.Abstract
The symbolic-affective relationship with the territory, which constitutes territorialities, makes up an ethical habitus that is specific to Latin American native and traditional peoples. This study aims to reflect on the impact of global technical-scientific systems on the territoriality of the traditional people of Cerrado who are part of the concept of socio-forestry present in this biome. The research is based on partial results from qualitative research, with Quilombo Buraquinhos, Chapada Gaúcha, Minas Gerais, Brazil, as the empirical object. Initial contact was made with the community analysed, taking photographs of the landscape and informal conversations with residents, in order to develop methodological processes for future case studies. The concept of territory most appropriate to this reality is explored, and a dialogue is built between the Miltonian historical-temporal dimension and three principles of the Complexity Theory. By recovering the localized essence of Latin America, which is socio-biodiverse and self-aware, it fosters responsibility and solidarity in the individual-society, individual-nature reconnection, awakening moral consciousness from the local to the planetary level.
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