nteractions between urban image and tourism: reflections from Architecture





Tourism. urban image. architecture.


Contemporary tourism, heritage, and image make up a triad with such intertwined links that it is difficult to understand any of the three phenomena separately (Alvarado-Sizzo, 2021). It is precisely the interaction between the three dimensions, the articulating axis of this work by Eugenio Mercado López, researcher of the group "History and Conservation of Art and Architecture" of the Faculty of Architecture of the Michoacán University of San Nicolás de Hidalgo (Mexico) . The work that concerns us in this review is the book Turismo, imagen urbana y arquitectura en las políticas públicas. México en las primeras décadas del siglo XX. Morelia, México: Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo. 2020. ISBN: 978-607-542-169-8


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Author Biography

  • Ilia Alvarado-Sizzo, National Autonomous University of México, UNAM.

    Researcher of the Institute of Geography of the UNAM


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Mercado López, E. (2020). Turismo, imagen urbana y arquitectura en las políticas públicas. México en las primeras décadas del siglo XX. Morelia: Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo. http://www.arq.umich.mx/web/repositorios/ficheros/libros_publicados/EuMerLo%20Lib%20TurImgUrb%2000872%20170230.pdf

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Notes and Reviews

How to Cite

nteractions between urban image and tourism: reflections from Architecture . (2022). PatryTer, 5(9), 193-197. https://doi.org/10.26512/patryter.v5i9.40529

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