Micropolitics of community resistance to hydroelectric megaprojects in Mexico
Hydro-politic. resistances. territorial appropriation. communal autonomies. sustainable trajectories.Abstract
In Mexico, the construction of hydroelectric megaprojects has had profound socio-environmental consequences: ecological degradation, territorial and productive reorganization, as well as diverse eco-territorial conflicts. Simultaneously, these conditions encourage the conformation of micropolitical processes by local actors as declarations of re-existence and resistance. The objective of this article is to explore the local response of the inhabitants of Las Blancas to protect and mitigate the impacts on their life spaces and their material and symbolic sources of existence in the face of the construction of the Aguamilpa hydroelectric project in the state of Nayarit, Mexico. Through ethnographic research, supported by participant observation, open interviews, focus groups and the analysis of qualitative variables it is concluded that the communities constitute new forms of productive re-functionality, multiple territorialities and the emergence of new forms of existence and resignification around water for community production and social reproduction.
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