The Divine Holy Spirit Feast a tradition in motion




Urban. popular culture. resistance. Feast of the Divine. Candomblés yard.


In the State of Maranhão, the Divine Holy Spirit Feast takes place mainly at Candomblé and Tambor de Mina´s yard. The feast that was chosen for analysis is the one performed at Fanti Ashanti House in Sao Luís (MA), whose format has been brought to São Paulo in the migratory process, and that is held annually at the Cachuera Cultural Association, in the district of Perdizes. It aims at understanding about the movement that the Divine Feast makes keeping the tradition, even in other spaces and under new conditions of accomplishment. To this end, the main focus is on the action of the Divine Caixeiras, as well as all on their ceremonials and scenarios. From readings, field researching and collection of oral reports, it is possible to say that the access to several time dimensions (past, present, and future) is triggered in the making of the Feast: the temporality of the past reproaches the linear and accelerated time of the urban, and points to a utopic future, among contradictions. The social and spatial condition that the Feast hosts sacralize the lived space, or space of representation, during the festive days, as well as reverence the original Feast, the one that once took place at Fanti Ashanti House.


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Author Biography

  • Neusa de Fátima Mariano, University Federal of Saint Carlos

    PhD professor in the Geography Department


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How to Cite

The Divine Holy Spirit Feast a tradition in motion. (2020). PatryTer, 3(5), 58-71.