Patrimonialization and productive spatial circuits of the Museu do Amanhã, Rio de Janeiro
Space. patrimonialization. cultural heritage. productive spatial circuit. Museu do Amanhã.Abstract
In times of globalization, the article proposes the application of the concept of productive spatial circuits as a methodological procedure for the analysis of the patrimonialization in the contemporary world. The context under discussion involves the interrelations of urban restructuring projects with patrimonial assets and, as a strategy of city marketing, patrimonial policies that use the proliferation of cultural equipment, whether or not listed, to participate actively in the globalized cultural industry. Through research aimed at identifying the productive spatial circuits involved in the construction and operation of the Museu do Amanhã, the study includes the spatialization of the agents involved in these activities, as well as the role played by national and international organizations responsible for the production of this new icon of the landscape and of the Carioca imagination.
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