Landscape Architecture in new capital cities

Vila Bela da Santíssima Trindade and Belo Horizonte




Landscape Architecture, History of Urbanism, New cities, Capital cities, Brazil


The article, by approaching the field of Landscape Architecture, exposes the transformations of the urban landscape provided by new capitals founded in the 18th and 19th centuries in Brazil. These are the cases of Vila Bela da Santíssima Trindade (MT), inaugurated in 1752, still in the colonial period, and Belo Horizonte (MG), built ex nihilo in the 1890s, already in the republican period. The interest in discussing these two new administrative cities as stages of transformations of the urban landscape stems from the representation of both in distinct political-economic-social moments of our history, as well as explores the savoir-faire, attentive to the techniques and urban knowledge put into practice. The research was based on historical studies on the foundation of these cities, from existing documents at the National Institute of Historical and Artistic Heritage (IPHAN), added to books, articles, theses and dissertations, as well as on-site visits to crosscheck information. The results point to points of interest and inflections in the construction of the landscape of Vila Bela and Belo Horizonte, such as the consolidation of the regular layout and its variations and the appropriation of projected gardens, especially in the condition of public parks, now present in capital cities throughout the country.

Author Biographies

  • Giuliana de Brito Souza, Centro Universitário Unieuro; Curso de Arquitetura e Urbanismo.

    Architect and Urbanist (2006) from the Federal University of Piauí (UFPI). She holds a master's degree (2009) from PPG-FAU/UnB in the research axis Landscape, Environment, and Sustainability; and a PhD (2018) degree from the same institution in the research axis History and Theory of the City and Urbanism of PPG-FAU/UnB. She participated in the research project 'Atlas of New Cities in the republican Brazil', from PPG-FAU/UnB (2016-2019). Professor of architecture and urbanism at the Instituto Euro-Americano de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia (Unieuro). Developed a consultancy project in heritage for the Ministry of Culture - Monumenta/IPHAN-DF Program by the IPHAN superintendence in DF (2010-2011). Provided specialized technical consultancy for the company Topocart (2012) and was part of the winning team, first place, of the contest five parks for Brasília, for the Paranoá Park, held by the Government of the Federal District.

  • Ricardo Trevisan, Universidade de Brasília; Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo; Programa de Pós-Graduação em Arquitetura e Urbanismo.

    Architect and urbanist, graduated from the School of Engineering of São Carlos at the University of São Paulo (1998); Master's in Urban Engineering from the Federal University of São Carlos (2003); PhD in Architecture and Urbanism from the University of Brasília (2009), with doctoral internships at the École d'Architecture Paris-Malaquais (2007-2008) and at the Istituto Universitario di Architettura di Venezia (2008), awarded the CAPES Thesis Prize 2010. He developed post-doctoral research projects at Columbia University (2014-2015) and at the University of Minho (2023-2024). Specialist in Architecture Archives from the Autonomous University of Lisbon (2023-2024). Currently, he is an Associate Professor III in the Department of Theory and History of the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism at the University of Brasília and in its Postgraduate Program. Coordinator of the Undergraduate Program at the same institution. Researcher member of the Urban Studies Laboratory (Labeurbe-FAU/UnB), of the research group Topos - Landscape, Design, and Planning, of the research group LEU - Laboratory of Urban Experiences (IAU-USP), and local coordinator of the Urban Thought Chronology project. CNPq researcher with the project: 'Coimbra Bueno Cia. Ltda. - City Builder' (Atlas of New Cities in Republican Brazil) and coordinator of the teaching project: 'Contemporary Housing: Teaching and Research'. President of ANPARQ (2021-2022), Director of ANPARQ (2019-2020). General Coordinator of the VI ENANPARQ 2020 (Brasília). Member of the Ibero-American Association of Urban History (AIHU). Author of the book: 'New Cities' (EdUNB, 2020, in Portguese).


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Landscapes of Power: Design, Architecture and Urbanism in Capital Cities

How to Cite

Landscape Architecture in new capital cities: Vila Bela da Santíssima Trindade and Belo Horizonte. (2024). Paranoá, 17, e48114.

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