Impact of façade absorption and transmittance on energy efficiency and thermal comfort for social housing




Thermal Transmittanc; Thermal Absorptan; Thermal Comfort; Energy Efficiency


This paper aims to present a discussion about the influence that thermal transmittance and thermal
absorptance have on thermal comfort and energy consumption, if there is an option for the use of air
conditioning to promote this sensation in a social housing in the city of Maceió, Alagoas. Nowadays, there
is a spread of thought for the use of insulating materials in construction of residential buildings, however
for hot and humid climates, this thought is contested by several studies. The analysis carried out here
took place with the aid of the EnergyPlus® software, version 9.3 for 42 building configurations, with
variation of thermal transmittance and absorptance, with the use of air conditioning and without the use
of this device, for 1 ren/h, 5 ren/h and 10 ren/h. The results obtained quantify the financial impact on the
family budget in this housing configuration, in case the option for the use of air conditioning occurs and
the influence that the analyzed properties have on thermal comfort, with a greater influence of absorbance
in relation to transmittance. It is intended, then, from this research to contribute to the documentation and
awareness of the use of strategies appropriate to thermal comfort in conditions similar to those analyzed.


Author Biography

  • Fernando Sa Cavalcanti, Universidade Federal de Alagoas

    Possui Graduação em Arquitetura e Urbanismo pela Universidade Federal de Alagoas, Mestrado em Construção Civil pela Universidade Federal de São Carlos e Doutorado em Arquitetura e Urbanismo pela Universidade de São Paulo. Atualmente é Professor Adjunto da Universidade Federal de Alagoas na área de Linguagem e Representação e desenvolve pesquisa com ênfase em Projeto e Tecnologia de Arquitetura e Urbanismo e Conforto Ambiental, atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: Projeto Arquitetônico, Ventilação Natural, Desempenho Térmico de Edificações, Arquitetura Bioclimática e Simulação Computacional.  


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Technology, Environment and Sustainability

How to Cite

Impact of façade absorption and transmittance on energy efficiency and thermal comfort for social housing. (2020). Paranoá, 13(28).

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