Espelhos que congelam a imagem




Social role of photography, Photographer, Mirror, Dematerialization of photography, Archives


Through direct testimony, the personal memory and the recurrence of other memories preserved, the author notes the particular contours of colonial photography in a photographer of Angola-1940-1976, Francisco júnior "Quitos" and his life in the city of Lobito. Technical and theoretical inferences over most known conceptual frameworks are also tested in the way those have connected Visual Anthropology and Sociology to photography. 

Author Biography

  • Eduardo Jorge Esperança, Universidade de Évora

    Professor Auxiliar com Agregação do Departamento de Sociologia; Professor das Disciplinas de Sociologia da Comunicação e Media; Sociologia da Cultura; Epistemologia das Ciências Sociais; Sociologia da Tecnologia.


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Dossiê - Legados Coloniais

How to Cite

Espelhos que congelam a imagem. (2018). Museologia & Interdisciplinaridade, 6(11), 127-135.