(Foto)performance no Sítio Arqueológico de Pompeia, Itália

o ser artista-turista


  • Matheus Kayssan Opa Universidade de Brasília




Pompeii, Performance, Photoperformance, Art-Tourism, Dérive, Flâneur


The following essay invites us to reflect about a performatic afternoon inside the Pompeii Archeological Area, in Italy, a city destroyed by the Vesuvius eruption and whose ruins remained being a target for the tourists. So, having this place as a poetic catalyzer, how does an artist behave in a touristic area? How can one act proper to oneself being an artist and a tourist in there? To answer that questioning, I bring forth the Theory of the Dérive by Guy Debord (1931 ”“ 1984) and about the flâneur from Walter Benjamin (1892 ”“ 1940). Artist-tourist is that one that flanes the streets searching for (or not) something that he doesn’t acknowledge what it is, drifting, feeling the urbanism flavor through his/her skin. The text also explores how the trip-artwork to the ruins was, how the performance went and the art registry’s poetic outspreading besides a reflection on what is like to be a tourist and artist at the same time.

Author Biography

  • Matheus Kayssan Opa, Universidade de Brasília

    Graduando em Artes Plásticas pela Unversidade de Brasília, membro integrante e iterativo do Grupo de Pesquisa Corpos Informáticos. Pesquisa o espaço urbano, o corpo e religião como catalisadores de processos artísticos. Utiliza de linguagens híbridas para (des)fazer arte.


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How to Cite

(Foto)performance no Sítio Arqueológico de Pompeia, Itália: o ser artista-turista. (2018). METAgraphias, 3(2). https://doi.org/10.26512/mgraph.v3i2.19751