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Author Guidelines

Linhas Críticas accepts submissions of articles, essays, interviews, book reviews and dossier presentations in Portuguese, Spanish and English. Reviews must be from a book published within the last 2 years.

Type of manuscript Double-blind peer review Title in EN, PT, ES Abstract in EN, PT, ES Keywords in EN, PT, ES Characters (minimum) Characters (maximum)
Article Yes Yes Yes Yes 30.000 50.000
Essay Yes Yes Yes Yes 30.000 50.000
Interview No Yes No No 30.000 45.000
Book review No Yes No No   10.000
Dossier presentation No Yes No No   10.000


Text formatting

Full guidelines on document formatting, including citations and references (APA style) are included in the template.


Proofreading and translation

Proofreading policy, approved by the Editorial Committee of Linhas Críticas and valid for all submissions as of 04/20/2021:

After approval, the text must go through proofreading, under the responsibility of the authors. The service must be performed by a qualified professional, with a later presentation of the receipt and / or declaration of service provision, in addition to the final file with the revision marks (in another color or with the text editor's review control tool enabled). The maximum deadline for returning the revised text is 7 (seven) days.

There will be no commercial agreement between Linhas Críticas and the proofreaders. The entire process will have as parts only the authors and the proofreader, including, but not limited to: budget, contract, payment and invoice issuance.



We consider authors to be those who have an effective intellectual and scientific contribution to the work. The main author is responsible for submitting, identifying the other authors, communicating with the journal's editorial board and the ethical integrity of the article as a whole, assuming responsibility for the effective participation of each author and that all authors have agreed with the content of the article.


Articles that will not be evaluated

  • Concomitantly forwarded to more than one journal;
  • Simultaneous (two or more articles by the same author);
  • From the same author or co-author in the same biennium, either as the main author or co-author of the article;
  • From authors at the University of Brasília in a percentage greater than 5% of the annual volume.


Review process

After submission, manuscripts undergo the first editorial decision. Manuscripts that are not rejected are submitted to desk review. Articles, essays, interviews and reviews also undergo double-anonymous peer review. The evaluation process is detailed below:

First editorial decision
Manuscripts will be evaluated for their consistency, rigor, originality and adherence to the journal's focus and scope (more information about the journal, average evaluation times and rejection rates:
The rejected manuscript will be subject to a two-month embargo for resubmission, allowing sufficient time for it to be revised.

Desk review
In the desk review, the formal aspects of the manuscript are checked: citations, references, general formatting, similarities and declaration of authorship. Exceptionally, authors may have up to 14 days to make adjustments.
If any of the journal's guidelines are not met, the submission will be archived, and the manuscript will be subject to a one-month embargo for resubmission, allowing sufficient time for it to be adapted.

Double blind peer review
After the desk review, texts such as articles, essays, interviews and reviews are subjected to double blind peer review, being analyzed by at least two external evaluators (an institution different from that of the authors). /as) anonymously (without identifying the author and evaluators) to issue opinions.
The opinions issued may recommend: Accept; Mandatory corrections; Submit again for evaluation; Submit to another magazine; and Reject.
If divergent opinions occur (for example: accept or mandatory corrections + reject, resubmit for evaluation or submit to another journal), a third evaluator may be appointed or submitted for decision by the editors.
The rejected manuscript will be subject to a two-month embargo for resubmission.

Text rewording request
The opinions of the text evaluation are sent to the authors, and may indicate necessary changes or adaptations. This procedure aims at the transparency of the evaluation and the improvement of the text.
When requested, the article must be reformulated and resubmitted to the journal (through the system) within 30 days from the date of the reformulation request. After 30 days, if there is no response from the authors, the text will be rejected.
The rejected manuscript will be subject to a two-month embargo for resubmission.

Review and translation
After approval for publication, the text must undergo standard review, under the responsibility of the authors. The service must be performed by a qualified professional, with subsequent presentation of the receipt and/or declaration of service provision, in addition to the final file with the revision marks (in another color or with the change control tool of the editor). text enabled). The maximum period for returning the revised text is 7 (seven) days.
Optionally, the authors may also arrange for the approved and revised text to be translated into English and/or Spanish, for publication in a multilingual format. The service must be performed by a qualified professional, with subsequent presentation of the receipt and/or declaration of service provision, in addition to the final file. The maximum deadline for returning the translated text is 14 days for synchronous publication or up to 2 months for asynchronous publication.
There will be no commercial agreement between Linhas Críticas and the reviewers or translators. The entire process will involve only the authors and the reviewer and/or translator, including, but not limited to: budget, contract, payment and issuance of invoice.


The editors have the right to refuse the article for which reformulations were requested that were not complied with, or delivered after the deadline, as well as, with regard to publication, the final word belongs to the editors.

After review, and the article is not approved for publication, the journal will inform the author about the editorial decision through the system, and will archive the article.


Anti-plagiarism software

CopySpider is a freeware anti-plagiarism software (plagiarism detector), with a simple and intuitive interface, with high computational performance to test documents under the supervision of the existence of improper copies of other documents available on the internet. Similarities above 3% must be reviewed by the authors.



According to the Journal's Regulation, any attempt to harass or pressure the author(s) on the members of the Editorial Committee for the publication and / or approval of articles will result in the automatic exclusion of the submitted text.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • By submitting the manuscript, the authors agree to the Author Guidelines and Submission Preparation Checklist.
  • The contribution must be original, unpublished and not evaluated in another journal at the same time.
  • The submission file must be in DOCX or ODT format. The manuscript must have the format provided for in the template.
  • All authors of the manuscript must be identified in the system metadata and in the Authorship statement.
  • Authors must own the copyright of the images they use.

Privacy Statement

The names and addresses informed in this journal will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication and are not available for other purposes or to third parties.