Zaparoan negation revisited


  • Johan van der Auwera University of Antwerp
  • Olga Krasnoukhova



negation, Jespersen's Cycle, Negative Existential Cycle


The paper revisits negation in the Zaparoan languages Arabela, Iquito and Záparo. For Iquito, which exhibits single, double as well as triple negation, we adopt a Jespersen Cycle perspective and find it to have explanatory force. For Záparo and Arabela another Cycle hypothesis proves enlightening, i.e., the Negative Existential Cycle. We hypothesize that both in Iquito and Záparo there is a diachronic link between the formal expression of negation and of the concept for ‘leave’/‘go’. We addressed the internal subclassification of the Zaparoan languages, showing that, at least for the structural feature of negation, the position of Arabela is closer to Záparo than to Iquito.


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Como Citar

Zaparoan negation revisited. (2019). Revista Brasileira De Linguística Antropológica, 11(02), 21.