Re-discussing nasality in Mehináku (Arawak)


  • Paulo Henrique de Felipe Universidade de Brasília



Língua Mehináku, Língua Arawak, Nasalidade fonética, Nasalidade fonológica, Rediscutindo a nasalidade


In this paper, I re-discuss the process of nasality in the Mehinaku (Arawak) language. To do this, I present examples of phonetic and phonological nasality in this language. Regarding phonetic nasality, I argue that its spread occurs from right to left, therefore occurring in a regressive way, and reaching vowels to the left of a nasal consonant. Phonological nasality, in turn, is also regressive, and I do not consider that there is an opposition in Mehinaku between oral and nasal vowels. I argue that phonological nasality is guided by the loss of a nasal consonant from the syllabic Onset which, when it disappeared, left traces of nasality on the vowels of the preceding syllables. The Mehinaku language belongs to the Arawak family and is spoken by a people of the same name, who currently live in the Xingu Indigenous Territory.


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How to Cite

Re-discussing nasality in Mehináku (Arawak). (2024). Revista Brasileira De Linguística Antropológica, 16(1), 169-189.