Variation in the consonantal system of the Matis language (Panoan)




Variação consonantal, Nasalização, Sílaba, Língua Matis, Família Pano


The paper presents an analysis of the consonantal system in the Matis language. Based on the Matis phonological description, we aim to analyze whether labial, alveolar and velar voiced plosive consonants establish functional distinctions or are realized as phonetic features of nasal consonants. The research is based on the first descriptive studies on Matis phonology, and the data analyzed come from elicitation sessions and mainly from narratives collected in fieldwork. The results indicate that phonological processes of nasalization and resyllabification result in variation of consonants in the form post-oralized nasals. With the functional analysis of consonantal segments and variations based on the examination of the Matis consonantal system, we hope to advance the description of the phonological level of this language and collaborate in the definition of consonantal graphemes used in writing.


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How to Cite

Variation in the consonantal system of the Matis language (Panoan). (2021). Revista Brasileira De Linguística Antropológica, 13(01), 327-346.