The Sound Structure of Koreguaje: segments, supra-segments and proto-segments associated with nasal harmony in the Koreguaje language (Western Tukano)

segmentos, supra-segmentos y proto-segmentos asociados a la armonía nasal en la lengua koreguaje (tukano occidental)





Koreguaje, Segments, Supra-segments, Proto-segments, Nasality.


The Koreguaje language, belonging to the subfamily of the Western Tukana languages, is spoken in southwestern Colombia by about 2.500 people. An important characteristic of its sound structure is nasality, which we treat in this work at a suprasegmental level. For the description of the process of expansion of nasality within morphemes and morpho-phonemes, we adopt the theoretical framework of lexical phonology. These processes are carried out from underlying representations, supported by proto-phonemic studies, of the minimum significant units of the language to derive their phonetic structures. Through exemplifications, we try to demonstrate the validity of this theoretical proposal.


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How to Cite

The Sound Structure of Koreguaje: segments, supra-segments and proto-segments associated with nasal harmony in the Koreguaje language (Western Tukano): segmentos, supra-segmentos y proto-segmentos asociados a la armonía nasal en la lengua koreguaje (tukano occidental). (2021). Revista Brasileira De Linguística Antropológica, 13(01), 347-366.