Izipi mehe: cibercaminhos linguísticos e literários para a preservação da cultura Tenetehára





Literatura Brasileira. Cibercaminhos. Povos Tupi. Tenetehára.


In this article, we present a brief overview of indigenous literature during Romanticism in Brazil. We defend the thesis that the contradictions of this period were inevitable, constituting only idiosyncrasies of that literary moment. More specifically, we maintain that, in that context, the voice of the Brazilian indigenous would not be expressed in any other way than through the illegitimacy of his biased voice by the voice of the European colonizer who attributed the preconceived worldview to the indigenous. Another objective of this text is to highlight an inevitable modern paradox regarding the relationship established between language, academic linguistic systems, literature and the internet. In this line of investigation, despite the fact that digital spaces and academic metalinguistic systems of documentation and dissemination of original stories are alien to indigenous culture, the collection and digital availability of narratives in cyberpaths can be corollary to the contribution to preservation, documentation and linguistic and literary revitalization of indigenous cultures. Therefore, we reproduce and present the morphological analysis of the history Tenetehára Izipy mehe Tentehar wazegar haw herur awer (In the beginning, when the Teneteháras brought the singing). This story describes how the traditional festivals of the Tenetehára people were created. The girl’s party, the boys party, the harvest party, the children’s party, the separated party, the shamans’ party and the Tenetehára prayers. According to this original history, these parties were brought by an ancient Tenetehára who was taken to another world by beings from heaven. Thus, upon returning to his own home, he transmits to his relatives the rituals learned in the other world.


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How to Cite

Izipi mehe: cibercaminhos linguísticos e literários para a preservação da cultura Tenetehára. (2020). Revista Brasileira De Linguística Antropológica, 12(1), 251-282. https://doi.org/10.26512/rbla.v12i1.34846