A morfossintaxe do aspecto em línguas Jê: uma abordagem diacrônica


  • Maxwell Gomes Miranda Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso




Auxiliary verb; Apect; Morphosyntax; Variation; Language change; Reconstruction; Jê languages.


This article examines the morphosyntax of clause constructions that employ auxiliary verbs for aspect expression in several Jê languages. Although clauses with auxiliary verbs synchronically are different more or less in respecto to grammatical structure and aspect values . Thus, based on a series of data from several Jê languages, we establish formative and active correspondences and a historical reconstruction of this syntactic pattern. The results indicate that the synchronous selection is found in the morphosyntactic version of the aspect through auxiliary verbs, reflecting continuous and gradual linguistic changes that lead to more and more grammaticalized within the Jê family as a whole.


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How to Cite

A morfossintaxe do aspecto em línguas Jê: uma abordagem diacrônica. (2019). Revista Brasileira De Linguística Antropológica, 11(02), 24. https://doi.org/10.26512/rbla.v11i02.27670