Language Policy in the Virtual Linguistic Landscape: The case of the Kingdom of Bahrain E-Government National Portal


  • Yasser Gomaa University of Bahrain


Mots-clés :

Bahrain, language policy, virtual linguistic landscape, E-government portal


This study examined language policy in the virtual linguistic landscape in the Kingdom of Bahrain as exemplified in its E-Government National Portal. It was carried out with the aim of extending the view of the linguistic landscape beyond the mainstream research that is typically anchored and defined within the parameters of given geographic boundaries. It sought to answer the question of how the linguistic diversity is experienced in cyberspace. Spolsky and Cooper’s (1991) Preference Model Theory of language choice was used to address this question. The findings authenticate the assumption that the Bahraini virtual linguistic landscape shares not only specific features with physical counterparts, but also displays unique attributes


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Comment citer

Language Policy in the Virtual Linguistic Landscape: The case of the Kingdom of Bahrain E-Government National Portal. (2020). Cadernos De Linguagem E Sociedade, 21(2), 20-37.