Discursive materialization of cis-heteronormativity in scalar perspective: contributions to Queer Linguistics
Discursive materialization, Scale, Cis-heteronormativity, Queer Linguistics, TransfeminismsAbstract
This article aims to present a proposal for a non-dichotomous interpretation of the way in which macrosocial norms, notably cis-heteronormativity, are linked to micronormativities, built between subjects, in the situated interactions in which they participate. To this end, articulating notions of discursive materialization and scale, I highlight the procedural character of the pragmatic and semiotic work at play in the local processes of naturalization of cis-heteronormativity. From the analysis of data from online interactions, generated in an ethnography of the scale, I demonstrate how the discursive features of cisnormativity, as postulated by transfeminist epistemologies (binarity, pre-discursiveness and permanence), are seen in constant intersection with ideological contents of heteronormativity. Finally, using contemporary tensions in the Brazilian field of Queer Theories, I reflect on policies of affection, translation and displacement that can inspire new imaginations to Queer Linguistics practiced in Brazil
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