Passability and visibility of LGBT+ in the brazilian press


  • Iran Ferreira de Melo Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco Author



LGBT, Visibility, Press


In this study, we selected as an object the visibility of people considered marginalized by gender and sexuality, during participation in the editions of the LGBT Pride Parade in São Paulo. For this, we chose, as a phenomenon of analysis news from the newspaper Folha de S. Paulo and, as categories of linguistic analysis, functionally productive contextual constituents in the construction of representations. We seek to take a look that considers such visibility as a resource of passability of dissenting actors of gender and sexuality involved in this event


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Dossiê: Perspectivas Queer nos Estudos da Linguagem

How to Cite

Passability and visibility of LGBT+ in the brazilian press. (2020). Papers of Language and Society, 21(2), 307-326.