Transgaysive speakers: queer linguistics and monstruous performativities
Queer Linguistics, Transgaysive Speakers, Indexicality, BodyAbstract
This paper advances the concept of transgaysive speakers which provides analytical possibilities to investigate how people, in their daily practices, negotiate meanings for who they are vis-à -vis norms that circumscribe what they can/should do and how they can/should speak/write, drawing boundaries between the normal/ideal and the abject/monstrous. The paper is grounded on a queer analytical perspective for the study of language-use guided by the concepts of indexicality and embodiment. I revisit data from an ethnographic research about safe sex outreach work among travestis with a view to investigating how transgaysive performances (i.e. stylizations that juxtapose linguistic repertoires and repurpose disciplining regimes of gendered behaviour) emerge and function to achieve local interactional objectives.
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