For a pedagogy that frees all colors

the project Mulheres Inspiradoras and its emancipatory potential for gender and sexual dissents


  • Emmanuel Henrique Souza Rodrigues Universidade de Brasília
  • Iran Ferreira de Melo



This article deals with possible (and expected) developments of the Projeto Mulheres Inspiradoras (PMI), developed in the public schools of the Federal District. Project implementation has demonstrated the potential to address subalternation, not just gender, such as ethnic-racial and sexuality. For theoretical discussion on these developments, I present the Queer approach, the notion of gender and sexuality dissent, critical pedagogy, and critical discourse analysis. For methodological discussion, I present initial linguistic-discursive analyzes of the National Curricular Parameters, of the National Education Plan and analyze the Model Political Pedagogical Project for the Federal District; in the sequence, focus on productions resulting from the application of PMI. The confrontation of the analyzes indicates the potential of a positive approach to issues related to representations and identifications of gender and sexuality dissent, building a more efficient and effective approach in the process of social emancipation of the subjects.


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Author Biography

  • Iran Ferreira de Melo

    Professor de Língua Portuguesa e Linguística, doutor em Letras / Filologia e Língua Portuguesa (Universidade de São Paulo - 2013), mestre em Letras / Linguística (Universidade Federal de Pernambuco - 2007) e licenciado em Letras / Língua Portuguesa (Universidade Federal de Pernambuco - 2004). Desenvolve atividades acadêmicas sob os paradigmas da Linguística Queer, Análise Crítica do Discurso e da Linguística Aplicada ao ensino de língua portuguesa como idioma materno. Atualmente, é professor da Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, onde coordena o Outras Palavras - Núcleo de Estudos em Teoria Crítica do Discurso; bem como é pesquisador do Núcleo de Estudos em Análise Crítica do Discurso (NEAC) e do Projeto História do Português Paulista (PHPP), ambos da Universidade de São Paulo.



How to Cite

For a pedagogy that frees all colors: the project Mulheres Inspiradoras and its emancipatory potential for gender and sexual dissents. (2018). Papers of Language and Society, 19(3), 164-184.