Vol. 3 No. 2 (1999): Interethnic@-Revista de estudos em relações interétnicas

Virtual Seminar on Indigenous and Minority Rights

Centre for Indigenous American Studies and Exchange, University of St. Andrews, Scotland

Group of Studies of Inter-ethnic Relations, Universidade de Brasília, Brazil

This number of Interethnic@ brings some of the papers presented at the Virtual Seminar organised by Adolfo de Oliveira for CIASE.

The Seminar brought together social scientists (anthropologists, sociologists, political scientists) as well as Indian activists and scholars, lawyers and 'advocates', in a general way, of Indigenous and minority rights. Its objective was to bring into contact diverse views on Indigenous and minority rights so as to be able to draw a clearer picture of an issue whose very nature is determined by conceptual diversity.

Part of the results of the Seminar is now made available on-line. The papers below were presented at the Seminar. Some of them are going to be published by CIASE. The others can be accessed through the links below.

Cheers, Adolfo de Oliveira

Publié: 2013-12-20