Human rights violations in Ethiopia
Interethnic relations. terrorism. Ethiopia.Resumo
The US State Department Country Report for human rights practices in Ethiopia covering 1997 conveys the impression that the Ethiopian government is committed to improving human rights and the democratisation process in the country. Extra-judicial killing and disappearance are said to be "unconfirmed". Those human rights violations which are conceded by the Ethiopian and US governments are blamed on local officials and the lack of a democratic culture and history of respect for human rights. Where a degree of central planning is obvious, as in the shooting of three unarmed Oromo in Addis Ababa on 8th October, the government proclaims a deliberate crackdown on "terrorists. This paper will focus the effects of human rights violation in Ethiopia.
US State Department Country report for 1997 on human rights practices in Ethiopia, Washington, 30 January, 1998.
S. Rice, Presentation to African Studies Association, Cleveland, Ohio, 15 November 1997.
Urgent Action, AFR 25/04/98, International Secretariat, Amnesty International, London, 16 February 1998.
Ethiopia. Accountability past and present: human rights in transition, Amnesty International, London, April 1995.
Ethiopia: The curtailment of rights, Human Rights Watch/Africa Report, 9, 8 (A), New York, December 1997.
Attacks on the Press in 1997, p. 126, Committee to Protect Journalists, New York, March 1998.
Attacks on Justice. The harassment and persecution of judges and lawyers. January 1996 ”“ February 1997. Centre for the Independence of Judges and Lawyers, Geneva, Switzerland, August 1997.
Oromia Support Group Press Releases 1-22, Malvern, UK, June 1994 ”“ May 1998.
Oromia Support Group Press Release 20, Malvern, UK, November/December 1997.
Africa Confidential, 38, 25, p. 8, London, 19 December 1997.
Personal Communication. US Embassy official, Addis Ababa, November 1997.
M. Wrighton, Africa Department, Department for International Development, London, Letter to Netherlands citizen, 28 November, 1997.
Department for International Development White Paper, Eliminating World Poverty: A Challenge for the 21st Century, London, November 1997.
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