"É como festa dos Gojánéhj, só que é diferente": as danças na igreja dos Ikólóéhj Gavião de Rondônia
people ikólóéhj gavião. protestant church gavião. feasts.Abstract
The Ikólóéhj Gavião people, a Tupi group resident in the central region of the state of Rondônia, started to live with agents of the New Tribes of Brazil Mission, since 1965. During the first forty years of missionary activity, religious ceremonies were structured according to the custom of white people and church membership was limited to a few families. Pajelan rituals and ancestral feasts with the fermented drink continued to exist. In 2006, approximately, the natives decided to take the dances to the temple during festive services, such as Christmas. This decision caused an inflexion in the relation with the mission. Membership in the church became the majority and the ancestral feasts with fermented beverages were abandoned for a while. Our purpose in this article is to understand the multiple meanings of the church feasts for the Ikólóéhj Gavião taking into account that in some ways they are like shamanic festivals and in another they are different.
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